The Jane Bradfords

100 Miles of Broken Pavement Self-released

100 Miles of Broken Pavement Self-released

Naming your band after a character from a 1935 B movie suggests a certain willingness to borrow from yesteryear. The Jane Bradfords indubitably bow to the past, but their sound owes more to recent touchpoints, most notably American alt.rockers The National, Deci Gallen's voice splicing Matt Berninger's baritone with a sort of Jens Lekman-esque quiver. Elsewhere, More Than This recalls the sound of Whipping Boy, merging staid, powerful riffs with slow-building indie swooners. It's certainly a departure from The Jane Bradford's synthesised, electronic-dabbling debut, but are such bare-faced homages wise? The constant drawing of sonic parallels proves distracting for much of the running time, but these songs are admittedly crafted with care, if lacking distinction.

Download tracks:

More Than This, Glow

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times