Liz Truss apologises for mistakes and vows to lead Tories into next election

Jeremy Hunt ditches Truss’s economic strategy and drops ‘almost all’ tax cuts announced by predecessor Kwasi Kwarteng

Liz Truss has apologised for her financial "mistakes" which evaporated market confidence in the UK economy and caused her approval rating to plunge.

British prime minister Liz Truss is battling to save her job after new chancellor of the exchequer Jeremy Hunt ditched the bulk of her economic strategy.

In an interview broadcast on BBC on Monday night, Ms Truss apologised for “mistakes”, but said she would not step down.

“I do want to accept responsibility and say sorry for the mistakes that have been made,” Ms Truss told the BBC.

“I wanted to act but to help people with their energy bills to deal with the issue of high taxes, but we went too far and too fast.”


Mr Hunt scaled back the energy support package and dropped “almost all” the tax cuts announced by his predecessor Kwasi Kwarteng less than a month ago as he attempted to restore economic stability following weeks of turmoil on the financial markets.

Ms Truss became prime minister after winning the Tory leadership contest on the back of promises to dramatically cut tax, and the wholesale abandonment of the policies has left her fighting for her political future after just six weeks.

Ms Truss told the BBC she would lead her Conservative Party into the next election. “I’m sticking around because I was elected to deliver for this country,” she said. “And that is what I am determined to do.”

In an emergency statement designed to calm the markets, Mr Hunt announced that a plan to cap the cost of energy for all households for two years would now end in April, with targeted help beyond that for those most in need. He also scrapped a planned one percentage point cut to the basic rate of income tax, from the existing 20 per cent, along with a range of other tax cut reversals.

The British government had already abandoned plans to scrap the 45 per cent rate of income tax for top earners and had U-turned over a promise not to increase corporation tax.

The changes dramatically cut the cost of Mr Kwarteng’s £45 billion (€52 billion) tax giveaway, reducing it by around £32 billion.

UK PM Liz Truss ‘not under a desk’ hiding from MPs, says MordauntOpens in new window ]

In a televised statement, Mr Hunt – who took office on Friday – warned of more “tough” decisions to come. “Governments cannot eliminate volatility in markets but they can play their part and we will do so,” he said.

Plans to cut national insurance contributions and a reduction in stamp duty, which are already going through parliament, will continue.

Mr Hunt’s statement sounded the final death knell for the Ms Truss’s free market experiment – dubbed “Trussonomics” – to kick-start economic growth through a programme of swingeing tax cuts and radical de-regulation.

Mr Hunt said: “It is a deeply-held Conservative value – a value that I share – that people should keep more of the money that they earn. But at a time when markets are rightly demanding commitments to sustainable public finances, it is not right to borrow to fund this tax cut.”

Britain's new Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt has put a halt to almost all the tax measures announced at a mini-budget three weeks ago.

Ms Truss said the government was taking action to “chart a new course for growth that supports and delivers for people across the United Kingdom”.

But Angela Richardson became the fourth Tory MP to call publicly for Ms Truss to stand down, saying the problems with the public finances were “100 per cent down to the prime minister”.

She told Times Radio: “I just don’t think that it’s tenable that she can stay in her position any longer. And I’m very sad to have to say that.”

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While under current party rules Ms Truss is protected from a leadership challenge for 12 months, that could easily change if enough Tory MPs demand change.

Former chief whip Andrew Mitchell said the prime minister had just a fortnight to save her premiership. “If over the next two weeks it becomes clear to the parliamentary party that the prime minister needs to change, or be changed, then the technicalities or the mechanism are not important,” he told Times Radio.

“The wish of the parliamentary party will assert itself… if she cannot do the job, she will be replaced.”

Ms Truss was due to meet the moderate One Nation Conservatives group in Parliament on Monday evening before an informal reception with her cabinet.

But she ducked a parliamentary clash with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, instead sending Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt – viewed as a potential successor – in her place.

Sir Keir accused the prime minister of “hiding away, dodging questions”, adding: “The lady is not for turning … up.”

Ms Mordaunt assured MPs “the prime minister is not under a desk” hiding away to avoid scrutiny.

Allies acknowledged it was a crucial 24-48 hours for Ms Truss’s premiership.

Downing Street insisted Ms Truss remained in charge despite Mr Hunt tearing up her entire economic strategy.

“The prime minister is listening to the public,” her official spokesman said.

“She is listening to advice on the markets, she is listening to her colleagues and she is making the necessary difficult decisions to change our approach so that we can provide the economic stability and indeed maintain that stability of leadership, which is important.”

With discontent spreading across the party, the difficulty facing those MPs seeking change is the lack of a consensus candidate they can rally around to avoid another bitter leadership contest.

Former cabinet minister Nadine Dorries said: “There is no unity candidate. No-one has enough support.”

She said only one MP hds a mandate from party members and from the British public, and that was former prime minister Boris Johnson.

“The choices are simple – back Liz; if not, bring back Boris or face a GE [general election] within weeks,” she said. – PA