‘We invest a lot into travel . . . we see it as priceless’

Me & My Money – Denise Kenny, founder, the Head Plan

Denise Kenny: 'I haggle both personal and business purchases and I very rarely take first price.'

Are you a saver or a spender?

I am definitely a saver, but I would also describe myself as a very strategic spender. I plan my spends and align them to saving goals. I have different savings accounts for different things, but equally l love hitting a target and spending.

Do you shop around for better value?

I always shop around for the best deals especially when I shop online. I like to invest in good-quality clothes and I often hold out for the sales to kick off in the hopes my desired item is discounted. Online shopping makes it so easy to see lots of price options at once. I also take advantage of online discounts such as signing up to newsletters for 10 per cent off, and so on. I get extremely frustrated if I feel I’ve not got the best deal I can.


What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost?

I’ve made lots of big purchases with my husband, Ciaran. They include our wedding and honeymoon, but the most extravagant purchase I have personally made was at 25, when I bought a cream Mini Cooper convertible. It was a dream car for me, but on reflection I was living beyond my means. It cost nearly €20,000 and although I had a small amount of savings that contributed towards it, I was on a salary of €30,000-40,000 at the time and I committed to five years of repayments. It wasn’t my most strategic spend, but I had it for 12 years and have fond memories of it.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

Myself and Ciaran invest a lot in memories over things. Ciaran fell very ill with AML [acute myeloid leukaemia] in 2019 and during his illness we always spoke of all the memories we created while travelling — for us, these were the best ones. We don’t have children yet, so we invest a lot into travel, more so than we ever did. We see it as the best value for money. In fact, we see it as priceless. Creating those memories means everything to me.

How did you prefer to shop during the Covid-19 restrictions — online or local?

I shopped mostly online during Covid, I suppose out of necessity but I did try to shop online with a more local mindset. Most local stores managed to successfully set up online stores, making it easier than ever to support. I feel Covid actually did make us all look a little closer to home.

Do you haggle over prices?

Always and sometimes to the embarrassment of whoever I am with. I haggle both personal and business purchases and I very rarely take first price. It’s important to me to feel I have tried to negotiate.

How has the Covid-19 crisis changed your spending habits?

I definitely fell into the fast fashion cycle. This all stopped during Covid and it’s not something I or my bank account miss at all. I really enjoy fashion, but I now try to be more mindful and sustainable with my clothes. I invest in more expensive key pieces and I am open to buying preloved luxury from specific websites. For big occasions, I also look to rent items now before I buy.

Do you invest in shares?


Cash or card?

Always card. I never have cash.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

My car insurance. I was shocked when I received an update quote for €670! I have been driving for 18 years and have no claims, not one. Needless to say, I shopped around and got a renewal elsewhere for €340.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?

Yes. I always have a saving goal in mind for something.

Have you ever lost money?

No. I would say I have invested some money poorly, but even at that I feel there is a lesson in everything, so I don’t even see it as a loss.

Are you a gambler and, if so, have you ever had a big win?

No, I don’t even do the lotto.

Is money important to you?

Yes and no. Money can’t buy health and it means nothing when you are ill, but money does allow me the freedom and ability to create those memories I cherish with those I love.

How much money do you have on you now?

I have no cash on me at all, but my card wallet is right beside me!

In conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea