Black Monday: why did it happen, what does it mean, where next?More share volatility is likely as economic data from China is closely scrutinisedTue Aug 25 2015 - 07:00
Market turmoil raises fears for global growthInvestors dump stock market shares on worst day since the 2008 financial crisisTue Aug 25 2015 - 01:00
‘Wait and see’ for Ireland as world markets volatileFalls of the last few trading days will be a knock to investment and pension fundsMon Aug 24 2015 - 13:08
AIB may pay €4bn to the State ahead of October budgetBank’s improving finances raise chance of funds before flotationMon Aug 24 2015 - 01:00
Cliff Taylor: Here’s the case for a November electionWe’re facing an autumn of risk-free government and opportunistic oppositionSat Aug 22 2015 - 02:30
Legal issues could delay statutory inquiry into IBRCCommission is not believed to have yet issued formal directions to hand over major documents, a key legal stepSat Aug 22 2015 - 01:00
Signs of growth key for nervous world marketsThe slumps in world markets over the past few days has unnerved investorsSat Aug 22 2015 - 00:21
Remote emerging markets stoke fears globallyConcerns for world economic growth over currencies such as Vietnamese dongFri Aug 21 2015 - 05:00
Challenges ahead for Greek bailout implementationSignificant gap is likely to emerge between the EU and IMF on way forwardThu Aug 20 2015 - 01:01
Greek bailout: Five stand-out moments on the long roadAnalysis: Key moments that led to the agreed third Greece bailout worth €86bnSat Aug 15 2015 - 12:03
Cliff Taylor: Airbnb affair shows the pitfalls of special tax relief plansTrouble in the air: The Government should ignore calls for a whole host of new reliefs ahead of the Budget. They will only lead to more trouble in futureSat Aug 15 2015 - 05:00
Chinese move may delay expected rise in US interest rateLower inflation will put pressure on ECB to maintain policy of monetary expansionFri Aug 14 2015 - 01:00
Accountancy firm supports Airbnb’s view on tax reliefRent-a-room allowance should apply to people using hosting website, says EYThu Aug 13 2015 - 08:22
Realistic debt restructuring needed to give Greek deal a chanceCliff Taylor: A huge job lies ahead in order to implement tax hikes and spending cutsTue Aug 11 2015 - 12:14
Little drama as Greek negotiations enter final scenesIt looks as though the troubled nation will remain in the euro zone – at least for nowTue Aug 11 2015 - 01:00
Cliff Taylor: Waiting – and waiting – for new legal services regulator‘The troika left without beating the lawyers. What odds on the new legal services authority being up and running before polling day?’Sat Aug 08 2015 - 04:30
Will Ireland’s tax-incentive ‘knowledge development box’ beat the competition?The new tax incentive for innovation will probably be curtailed due to global pressureFri Aug 07 2015 - 08:30
Capvest lines up funds for One51 bidApproach by private-equity fund indicates firm intention to proceed with dealWed Aug 05 2015 - 06:00
Cliff Taylor: The best of weeks, the worst of weeksThe economic growth figures and the Irish Water fiasco neatly sum up the Government balance sheetSat Aug 01 2015 - 04:50
Steps taken to defuse Irish Water anger led to Eurostat rulingAnalysis: ‘If it quacks like a duck...’ test sees Eurostat decide utility is not independentThu Jul 30 2015 - 16:12
Eurostat says State control over Irish Water ‘exceptional’Agency details why utility not viewed as independent, says €100 grant is State supportThu Jul 30 2015 - 16:10
Irish Water’s independence has fallen victim to political needsWater charges issue will make it difficult for the body to ever stand on its own financiallyWed Jul 29 2015 - 01:00
Cliff Taylor: Implications of Eurostat ruling on Irish WaterCoalition claims the charges won’t change but they will be a big deal come election timeTue Jul 28 2015 - 18:06
Irish Water must stay on State balance sheet, EU saysSurprise Eurostat ruling is a blow to Coalition’s strategy on water investmentTue Jul 28 2015 - 09:43
Cliff Taylor: Is the Government dealing a death-blow to the property tax?‘The value of your house, for the purpose of assessing the tax, is already fixed until the 2017 tax payment – even if you have doubled its size and stuck in a swimming pool’Sat Jul 25 2015 - 02:00
Cliff Taylor: Ireland, the message was unambiguous, you are on your ownThe euro will always have a hard core. In Premier League terms, Germany, France and the Netherlands will be the Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester UnitedSat Jul 18 2015 - 01:01
IMF warning on debt may see Greece deal unravelAnalysis: Greek debt levels are unsustainable, even under optimistic growth scenariosWed Jul 15 2015 - 13:03
How much will the latest Greek bailout cost Ireland?State has already contributed €1.27 billion to European Stability Mechanism rescue fundTue Jul 14 2015 - 12:43
Three key factors in Greece’s bailout dealCliff Taylor: Greek growth will be a challenge given higher debt burden from dealTue Jul 14 2015 - 01:00
Greece hit with new conditions and no promise on debtAnalysis: Just because deal is the only one possible does not mean that it will workMon Jul 13 2015 - 13:53
An extraordinary weekend in the history of the euro zoneClash between Germany and France is about Greece but also about who is in chargeMon Jul 13 2015 - 01:00
Cliff Taylor: Greek crisis must be sortedClashes at the finance ministers’ meeting have major implications for the future of the single currency areaSun Jul 12 2015 - 09:16
Sometimes austerity is less a choice than an inevitabilityIt is hard to cut your way out of a budget crisisSat Jul 11 2015 - 20:20
Creditors take notice, but will ministers get on board?Here are the key questions to consider ahead of today’s meeting of eurogroup finance minstersSat Jul 11 2015 - 01:00
Will Greece’s major reform package win acceptance?Analysis: Markets are reacting this morning on the basis that a deal could be onFri Jul 10 2015 - 10:19
Now USC it, now you don’t: what a cut will mean to youHated charge was introduced in 2011 to plug hole in financesThu Jul 09 2015 - 14:48
How would a Grexin or a Grexit affect Ireland?Big impact of Grexit for Ireland would come in risk it would create to European economic confidence and growthWed Jul 08 2015 - 21:51
Greek banking system on rocks as funds dry upAny short-term deal needs to address a way to release funding for the banking systemTue Jul 07 2015 - 20:16
Staying or going? Four key ways to avoid a euro exitThe issues that need to be sorted for Greece to avoid a GrexitTue Jul 07 2015 - 13:51
European Central Bank turns up the heat on GreeceBank tightens liquidity rules by demanding larger ‘haircut’ on collateralMon Jul 06 2015 - 19:29
Q&A: Where to now for Greece and EU?A number of possible outcomes to saga remain, even in wake of referendum resultMon Jul 06 2015 - 09:06
Cliff Taylor: A tale of two economies – could Greece learn from Ireland?‘Greece’s creditors’ insistence on discussing structural reforms and picking at the details of more austerity is as bizarre as the Greek government’s risky tactics’Sat Jun 27 2015 - 04:35
Greece deal needs to have longer-term view for growth revivalGreece is trying to catch a falling knife, cutting and taxing against backdrop of declineTue Jun 23 2015 - 19:06
Gradual run on Greek banks is shaking confidenceEven with a deal, depositors may slow to put cash back in banks, fearing another crisisTue Jun 23 2015 - 01:00
Cliff Taylor: Why should we care if Greece has to leave the euro?‘Grexit could knock confidence and international growth, inevitably affecting our prospects’Sat Jun 20 2015 - 04:00
With ECB gun to its head, Greek saga can’t go on much longerCliff Taylor: unless this is resolved quickly, bank outflows could force capital controlsFri Jun 19 2015 - 17:04
General insurance premiums set to riseCentral Bank review says High Court judgment could increase cost of meeting claimsWed Jun 17 2015 - 01:00
Are the unemployed ‘better off’ staying on the dole?Cliff Taylor: New ESRI research suggests work does ‘pay’, unlike controversial 2012 reportTue Jun 16 2015 - 13:28
Cliff Taylor: Inquiry will highlight how banks deal with big debtors versus the ‘little people’‘While Nama is nearly finished its work, we will be dealing with household mortgage debt for years to come’Sat Jun 13 2015 - 03:00
Cliff Taylor: What we may yet find out at IBRC inquiryThose involved in Siteserv deal say successful Denis O’Brien bid of €45m was best oneThu Jun 11 2015 - 01:00