OECD warns on tax threatThe OECD believes that the opportunities created by the globalisation of the financial services sector is a threat to democracy…Fri Apr 13 2001 - 01:00
No comment on disclosure by Ansbacher founderThe sole surviving member of the group which established Ansbacher bank in the Cayman Islands yesterday declined to comment on…Thu Apr 12 2001 - 01:00
Cayman bank has details of more than 100 Ansbacher accountsRecords of the annual balances in more than 100 accounts in the Ansbacher deposits going back to the late 1980s at least are …Wed Apr 11 2001 - 01:00
Ansbacher applies to breach Cayman secrecy lawAn application by Ansbacher Cayman for permission to give information to the Irish High Court inspectors investigating the Ansbacher…Tue Apr 10 2001 - 01:00
Cayman deposits hearing beginsThe Chief Justice of the Cayman Islands begins hearing an application today from Ansbacher (Cayman) Ltd that the bank be allowed…Mon Apr 09 2001 - 01:00
Non-compliant credit union auditors risk being reportedCredit union auditors will be reported to the appropriate prosecuting authority if they do not perform their functions adequately…Fri Apr 06 2001 - 01:00
Incorrect tax forms sent to employersIncorrect tax forms have been sent to more than 100,000 employers by the Revenue Commissioners, listing employees who may have…Fri Apr 06 2001 - 01:00
Founders of PR firm millionaires after £7.1m saleThe two founders of Dublin-based Gallagher & Kelly Public Relations will become millionaires following the sale of the firm…Wed Apr 04 2001 - 01:00
League trawls 535 credit unions for advice on reformThe Irish League of Credit Unions is initiating a root-and-branch review of its structures and operations and has asked its 535…Tue Apr 03 2001 - 01:00
Aer Lingus criticises Aer Rianta's policiesAer Lingus has strongly criticised Aer Rianta in a submission to the body established to determine airport charges.Tue Apr 03 2001 - 01:00
Radical change in structure urged on league by its membersMotions calling for radical change to how the Irish League of Credit Unions is organised have been put down for the forthcoming…Mon Apr 02 2001 - 01:00
Fermoy oil company settles with Revenue for £650,612An oil company based in Fermoy, Co Cork, has made a settlement of £650,612 (€826,106) arising from the Revenue's inquiries into…Sat Mar 31 2001 - 01:00
Row in liquor licensing body halts vote on off-licence reformA row within the Commmission on Liquor Licensing has prevented a vote on policy towards the off-licence trade being takenSat Mar 31 2001 - 01:00
ICTU questions backdated tax relief on share optionsThe Irish Congress of Trade Unions has expressed strong concerns about the decision to make retrospective a tax relief measure…Thu Mar 29 2001 - 01:00
Account activity void, court rulesThe High Court has ruled that transactions on a company bank account subsequent to the commencement of the winding-up of the …Sat Mar 24 2001 - 00:00
Profits at Tullow Oil stretch beyond €1mOil and gas group Tullow Oil has announced a profit on ordinary activities before tax of €1Sat Mar 24 2001 - 00:00
Haughey `made no admission' on taxable giftsThe former Taoiseach, Mr Charles Haughey, has made no admission to the Revenue that he received taxable gifts, the tribunal has…Fri Mar 23 2001 - 00:00
Revenue may still seek Lowry prosecutionWhether the Revenue Commissioners will seek to bring a criminal prosecution against the former Fine Gael minister, Mr Michael…Thu Mar 22 2001 - 00:00
Private evidence to tribunal finished on ThursdayFormer Taoiseach Mr Haughey completed giving evidence in private to the Moriarty tribunal on Thursday morning.Tue Mar 20 2001 - 00:00
Cayman Islands firm to object to Irish inquiriesA Cayman Islands trust company linked to Mr Charles Haughey and Fianna Fail TD Mr Denis Foley, is to try to prevent Ansbacher…Fri Mar 16 2001 - 00:00
Revenue probes circle of friendsThe Revenue Commissioners prosecution unit is conducting a number of investigations into people and companies associated with…Fri Mar 16 2001 - 00:00
Formus Broadband to close down with loss of 71 jobsFormus Broadband, the Dublin-based company issued with one of four local loop broadband licences in 1999, will cease operations…Thu Mar 15 2001 - 00:00
Faxhill corrected invoices, court toldKildare building firm Faxhill Homes stopped sending inaccurate invoices to Dunnes Stores in February 1993, after work costing…Sat Mar 10 2001 - 00:00
The Making of the Celtic Tiger: The Inside Story of Ireland's Boom Economy, by Ray MacSharry and Padraic White (Mercier Press, £12.99)For those who want it, this book is packed with details of how the foundations for the State's current economic boom were put…Sat Mar 10 2001 - 00:00
Faxhill financial officer gives evidenceThe financial officer for Faxhill Homes has said he filled out invoices connected with work on the homes of Mr Ben Dunne and …Fri Mar 09 2001 - 00:00
Validity of Dunnes witnesses doubtedTo call Mr Ben Dunne to give evidence in the Faxhill Homes case would be equivalent to calling an "accomplice" to the construction…Thu Mar 08 2001 - 00:00
Revenue claims privilege over Dunnes chequesThe head of the prosecutions unit of the Revenue Commissioners yesterday claimed privilege when asked about cheques used to pay…Wed Mar 07 2001 - 00:00
Middle man in cheque affair linked to BarrettMr Frank Conroy, the Fine Gael supporter who passed a cheque for £33,000, equivalent to $50,000, to the party from the late Mr…Wed Mar 07 2001 - 00:00
Accountant `astonished' by Dunne's invoiceMr Ben Dunne said he had a business to run when an accountant expressed concern about expenditure on Mr Dunne's home being recorded…Tue Mar 06 2001 - 00:00
O'Leary claims Ryanair's Belgian base is `a direct loss to Dublin and Ireland'Ryanair will open its first base in continental Europe at Charleroi, in Belgium, from which it will operate flights to the Republic…Thu Mar 01 2001 - 00:00
McCreevy rows back on investor property taxesGovernment measures announced last year favouring owner-occupiers over landlords and purchasers of second homes are to be modified…Wed Feb 28 2001 - 00:00
`Examiner' owner buys Leinster papersThomas Crosbie Holdings, owner of the Irish Examiner, has bought Provincial Publishers Ltd, owner of the Nationalist and Leinster…Wed Feb 28 2001 - 00:00
A short book about sleazeThis short book on corruption in Irish politics questions the view that political sleaze arrived in the Irish Republic at around…Sat Feb 17 2001 - 00:00
Revenue established team to inquire into Haughey affairsThe Revenue Commissioners established a special team to inquire into the affairs of Mr Charles Haughey in the wake of the 1997…Thu Feb 15 2001 - 00:00
Haughey's children gave land gifted to them to settle their father's tax billMr Charles Haughey's children made him a gift of land at Kinsealy, Co Dublin, so he could settle his tax bill arising out of …Wed Feb 14 2001 - 00:00
Revenue negotiated to get minimum of £1m from HaugheyThe Revenue Commissioners entered into negotiations with Mr Charles Haughey in relation to taxes due arising from the payments…Wed Feb 14 2001 - 00:00
Millions linked to Dublin account in Lugano trialMillions of pounds passed through accounts in Dublin controlled by men linked to the ongoing money laundering trial in Lugano…Sat Feb 10 2001 - 00:00
Haughey, Lowry tax issues will be examinedThe £1 million settlement the former Taoiseach, Mr Charles Haughey, made with the Revenue Commissioners last year is among matters…Fri Feb 09 2001 - 00:00
Dubliner asked to attend Swiss fraud caseA Dublin businessman has been invited to attend court in Switzerland to give evidence under immunity in a case involving an Irish…Sat Feb 03 2001 - 00:00
Investors in wine urged to seek adviceInvestors considering putting money into vintage wine have been urged to get advice from someone whose bona fides are known to…Thu Feb 01 2001 - 00:00
1,100 foreign companies to be struck offToday 1,100 companies that are nominally Irish but that have no trading or taxation links here are being struck off the Register…Fri Jan 26 2001 - 00:00
Registration Office tightens rules on filing early accountsA policy change being introduced by the Companies Registration Office (CRO) will put increased pressure on companies and accountancy…Fri Jan 26 2001 - 00:00
Jobs to go at Waterford StanleyStaff at Waterford Stanley were told yesterday that the company plans to close part of its production process at the cost of …Fri Jan 26 2001 - 00:00
Aer Rianta in talks with UK airlinesAer Rianta is in talks with Go, British Airways' low-fares airline and Easyjet, another UK budget operator, to open up new routes…Mon Jan 22 2001 - 00:00
Haughey gives evidence in private because of his medical conditionMrCharles Haughey attended the Moriarty tribunal in Dublin Castle on Thursday and yesterday to give evidence in private.Sat Jan 20 2001 - 00:00
New corporate `enforcer' given more freedom on data exchangeThe new director of corporate enforcement will have greater freedom to exchange information with other State agencies following…Thu Jan 18 2001 - 00:00
Certificates as Dunnes wanted, court toldA quantity surveyor who worked on the homes of Mr Michael Lowry and Mr Ben Dunne has said he never saw architects' certificates…Sat Jan 13 2001 - 00:00
Prosecutions likely in Dunnes tax caseAn investigation by the Revenue Commissioners into "a scheme of tax evasion" involving Dunnes Stores is likely to lead to prosecutions…Fri Jan 12 2001 - 00:00
Haughey drops legal challenge to tribunal and resumes evidenceThe former Taoiseach, Mr Charles Haughey, has dropped legal challenges to the ruling that he must continue to testify to the …Thu Jan 11 2001 - 00:00
Dunne gave instructions on invoices, court toldMr Ben Dunne issued the instruction that work worth £1Thu Jan 11 2001 - 00:00