Talk with your kids: A worry shared may be a worry halvedIn helping anxious children, taking action is the antidote to S worry and ruminationSun Feb 05 2017 - 00:00
My five-year-old son has major problems going to the toiletThe accidents have never happened at school or with the childminder, just at homeSun Jan 29 2017 - 16:37
Anxious parents can produce anxious children, so take a breathHow to break the pattern of reacting unhelpfully to your child’s anxietyMon Jan 23 2017 - 06:00
My 8-year-old daughter can be quite judgmentalAsk the Expert: My child is a perfectionist who can view others in a negative waySun Jan 15 2017 - 06:00
Well-behaved children can be hiding their social anxietyFrequently, they don’t draw attention to themselves, which means they suffer in silenceSun Jan 08 2017 - 18:00
‘All she wants to do is fit in but I just want her to be herself’Being accepted by their peers is a big issue for teens, all a normal part of growing upMon Jan 02 2017 - 18:00
'Tis the season to be jolly, but all I feel is stress'Brexit has hit my business hard and money for the children’s gifts is scarce this ChristmasMon Dec 19 2016 - 15:00
Toilet training our two-year-old is a bit of a strainToilet training for most is characterised by fits and starts and setbacksSun Dec 11 2016 - 12:00
How do I help my son face the Christmas play?One the best strategies for overcoming anxiety is to approach it gradually and to overcome it in small stepMon Dec 05 2016 - 10:10
My seven-year-old son struggles to go to sleepTake action and you can help him break the habit, says John SharrySun Nov 27 2016 - 15:00
My daughter (10) is having anxiety ‘meltdowns’She ends up screaming, shouting and lashing out at her brotherSun Nov 20 2016 - 20:00
Our son is a snack addict - he just won’t eat mealsWe don’t want to give up on family meals but what can we do?Sun Nov 13 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: The teacher says my grandson (4) is the ‘worst’Teacher says he is disruptive, can’t take direction, is calling her stupid and is shoutingSun Nov 06 2016 - 20:00
Ask the expert: ‘I can’t get through to my teenage son’Child’s ‘relaxed’ nature is leading to rows and he forged my signature on a report cardSun Oct 30 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: ‘How can we conquer the homework battle’Baking together is far more beneficial than an hour of homework the child finds boringSun Oct 23 2016 - 20:00
Ask the expert: ‘My 10-year-old son is the class clown and always in trouble’‘I constantly have to coach my son about his manners. He can be quite rude at times’Sun Oct 16 2016 - 19:00
Healthy eating: How to say no to pester powerEncouraging healthy eating, part 3: putting aspirations into practiceMon Oct 10 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: ‘Would a dog help my daughter’s selective mutism?’Improvements in selective mutism are gradual. The key is to slowly expand progressSun Oct 09 2016 - 19:00
Why you need to stop bribing your children with treatsDeveloping healthy eating habits at home means saying ‘no’ to children sometimesMon Oct 03 2016 - 17:00
How to cope with a troubled, tearaway teenage sonI feel I have failed in being a mother. I have run out of ideas on how to talk to my ADHD sonSun Oct 02 2016 - 18:00
Caught in a cycle of bad eating habits? Help is at hand . . .Start small and use positive thinking to motivate everyone in the family to changeSun Oct 02 2016 - 17:18
My son can’t sleep after seeing a scary pictureMy eight-year-old son was shown a character from an over-18s movie by his friendsSun Sept 25 2016 - 19:00
Want to establish healthy eating patterns at home? Here’s howChildren are bombarded by ads for unhealthy treats, so get them into good habitsMon Sept 19 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: My five-year-old is selectively muteLots of children are quiet or shy, but not speaking due to anxiety is a more serious problemMon Sept 19 2016 - 10:57
Is my shouting making my son’s rough behaviour worse?‘My son (3) kicked the childminder in the face ... I blame myself for his bad behaviour’Sun Sept 11 2016 - 18:36
Ask the expert: My son (10) is struggling with grief for his grandadHis grandfather died four years ago. Should my son be doing better?Sun Sept 04 2016 - 19:00
How can you help your child to make a difference?The power of helping others is as true for children and young people as it is for adultsSun Aug 28 2016 - 18:00
How can you teach your children responsibility?When a child first learns to feed themselves, they feel a delight that they are in chargeFri Aug 26 2016 - 14:36
Ask the Expert: Is my son too immature to cope with secondary school?My son has been very protected in a small primary school until nowSun Aug 21 2016 - 18:00
How to encourage your child’s potential . . . from toddler to teenSaying ‘don’t be shy’ or ‘has the cat got your tongue?’ can increase his anxietyThu Aug 11 2016 - 20:17
Ask the expert: My 11-year-old daughter is struggling to make friendsThree-way or group play dates can be fraught with problemsSun Aug 07 2016 - 19:00
Has my shouting damaged my children?‘My daughter seems fine but my little boy is sensitive and I know he gets upset’Sun Jul 24 2016 - 20:16
Can you help your child find their niche in the world?In part three of this series, John Sharry looks at how to build your child's self-esteemSun Jul 17 2016 - 19:47
Ask the expert: Our daughter is struggling since the death of a classmateShe is struggling to get a proper night’s sleep and is very anxious before going to bedSun Jul 10 2016 - 19:00
It's not enough to love your kids equallyIn part two of this series, John Sharry looks at how we need to love our children uniquely, not just equallySun Jul 03 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: My son will not eat food unless mashedOur three-year-old boy is even refusing to eat those tasty things like pizza or sausages. Help!Sat Jun 25 2016 - 05:00
How can you build your child’s self-esteem?Part one of a new series with John Sharry looks at making your child braveTue Jun 21 2016 - 20:22
Ask the expert: Help, we are flying with our 3½-year-old twin girlsIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Jun 13 2016 - 11:02
Ask the expert: I think my son (14) has OCDIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comSun Jun 05 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: My daughter hates secondary schoolIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comSat May 28 2016 - 20:00
Ask the expert: My daughter keeps worrying about ‘bad’ things she has doneIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comSun May 22 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: My son was bullied for a year before we knewThe other boy has left the school but our son still suffers from anxiety about going to schoolSun May 08 2016 - 17:00
Ask the Expert: How do I tell my son that Grandad is dying?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comSun May 01 2016 - 19:00
Ask the Expert: Help me help my son manage his Tourette’sIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comSat Apr 23 2016 - 17:00
How can we help our children cope with bad news on television?Age and maturity of your child are the most important factors to take into accountSat Apr 16 2016 - 21:00
Ask the expert: My daughter is upset about her father getting marriedIf you have a parenting question, send your queries to health@irishtimes.comSat Apr 09 2016 - 17:00
Ask the expert: Our son (6) wets himself up to six times a dayOur youngest boy also has sensory processing disorder affecting his motor skillsSun Apr 03 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: How can I help son with exam stress?Many parents organise life around their ‘exam stressed’ young peopleSun Mar 27 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: Our son’s routine goes awry when his dad is aroundIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comSun Mar 20 2016 - 18:00