Has Dublin lost its groove?THE CLOSURE OF the Pod nightclub complex in Dublin is a big story for the capital’s nightlifeSat Feb 18 2012 - 00:00
Six short plays in one long night: a project produced out of creative chaosSIX PLAYWRIGHTS, six directors, 24 actors, two producers, two facilitatorsSat Feb 04 2012 - 00:00
Facebook floats, but has social networking passed its peak?THE SPOTLIGHT is rarely off Facebook, but reports that the social-networking company is planning an initial public offering (…Mon Jan 30 2012 - 00:00
Much ado about nothingComedian Stewart Lee isn’t just brilliant at telling jokes – he also deconstructs them as part of his actWed Jan 25 2012 - 00:00
Everything you ever wanted to know about One Direction but were afraid to askSMALL PRINT: Tonight, One Direction hit the O2 in Dublin before heading to Belfast to perform at the Waterfront Hall on Wednesday…Tue Jan 24 2012 - 00:00
You have friends but does Klout matter?THE COMPANY is valued at around $200 million, it recently raised $30 million in series C venture capital funding, and it’s all…Tue Jan 17 2012 - 00:00
The punks with a little glow in their heartsTHERE ARE plenty of conventional ways to switch off and distract oneself from the humdrum and stress of daily life, but an Irish…Tue Jan 17 2012 - 00:00
You scratch my back, I'll claw yoursTHERE’S NO promotion like the circus and media saturation that surrounds the launch of a new Madonna album, and Her Madgesty …Mon Jan 16 2012 - 00:00
Compelling, cute, clever: The Clipart album coversSMALL PRINT: If there’s one reoccurring internet meme – or fad – that always engrosses, it’s recreating album covers. Replacing…Fri Jan 13 2012 - 00:00
The scatological things people saySMALL PRINT: The first video was uploaded on December 12thFri Jan 13 2012 - 00:00
'When I got the theatre-festival job, a few people asked, Is that a full-time position?'FESTIVALS SEEM to appear out of nowhere, in a flurry of press releases, launches and then the events themselves.Sat Dec 24 2011 - 00:00
Hardy's Bane to battle Bale's BatmanAS THE HYPE builds around Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises , details are being drip-fed to fans about…Mon Dec 19 2011 - 00:00
How to solve the New Year problemIT’S THE QUESTION that always monopolises the tail-end of the festive seasonMon Dec 19 2011 - 00:00
Can't stop snoring? How about a gentle caress from a polar bear?SMALL PRINT: IT’S ONE OF the most annoying ailments around, and for decades, medics and drug companies have tried to come up…Mon Dec 19 2011 - 00:00
The Ulster Fry, the Irish fry, and the vocal frySMALL PRINTS: ACCENTS EVOLVE and vocabulary morphs, but does the way we actually use sound in our speech change? According to…Fri Dec 16 2011 - 00:00
Talking into a mistletoe-covered microphoneSMALL PRINTS: ‘IF YOU’VE HAD your fill of inane talk-radio topics, depressing news bulletins, Rihanna singles and politicians…Fri Dec 16 2011 - 00:00
A kick from The GooniesAT A TIME when hundreds of thousands of films are available to stream and download, legally or illegally, it’s odd to think that…Thu Dec 15 2011 - 00:00
The Higgs: a small article about an even smaller particleSMALL PRINT: NOW THEY SEE IT, now they don’tTue Dec 13 2011 - 00:00
Christmas apps to get you through the seasonSMALL PRINT: ’TIS THE SEASON to be avoiding Christmas preparations by playing with your phone, but don’t let that distraction…Tue Dec 13 2011 - 00:00
Seinfeld's top ten funniesSMALLPRINT: WITH THE announcement that Jerry Seinfeld (right) is Dublin-bound for a gig in the O2 in May it’s time to have a…Mon Dec 12 2011 - 00:00
A step up for the high rollers who never quitIRELAND HAS EXCELLED at some untraditional sports recently, from cricket to pokerSat Dec 10 2011 - 00:00
Gimme shelter - big cover-up in Meeting House SquareFOUR RETRACTABLE canopies and one archeological dig later, Meeting House Square is set to reopen this Saturday and Temple Bar…Tue Dec 06 2011 - 00:00
The magic formula behind Dublin’s most popular night spotIT IS CONSISTENTLY one of the most successful venues in the country, with €6.48 million in pre-tax profits last yearTue Dec 06 2011 - 00:00
Give me a crash course in . . . the Leveson InquiryWhy does Hugh Grant keep popping up on Sky News? You’re watching the Leveson Inquiry, a public British-government inquiry established…Sat Nov 26 2011 - 00:00
New age mutant heroes arts festivalSMALL PRINT: MUTANT SPACE, an arts skills exchange co-operative that organises and facilitates events, is gearing up for Trash…Tue Nov 22 2011 - 00:00
The student protest: it's not just about feesIT’S JUST OVER A year since 40,000 students took to the streets of Dublin to oppose the reintroduction of tuition feesWed Nov 16 2011 - 00:00
Which is the fairest Snow White of them all?SNOW WHITE AND the Huntsman and Mirror Mirror are both set for release next year, with the latter in cinemas firstTue Nov 15 2011 - 00:00
Nana technology: GPS shoesSMALL PRINT: GPS HAS BECOME increasingly ingrained in our daily lives; our smartphones pinpoint where we are, Facebook Places…Tue Nov 15 2011 - 00:00
Free shots, free beer, free haircuts: the alcohol price warEven as health experts warn of rising alcohol consumption among under-18s, nightclubs are giving alcohol away to lure customers…Sat Nov 12 2011 - 00:00
What dilemmas and drama set for third series of 'Downton Abbey'?SMALL PRINT: DOWNTON ABBEY fans everywhere are rejoicing at the news that the hit ITV period drama has been given a third series…Mon Nov 07 2011 - 00:00
Now that's what I call Euro-trash 2011!SMALL PRINT: NOW THAT there’s a Berlusconi love song album-shaped hole in all of our Christmas stockings given that the Italian…Fri Nov 04 2011 - 00:00
Trinity's law society paid towards model's fee at 'Playboy party'Trinity College’s law society paid €500 towards an appearance fee for a model to attend a “Playboy party” that it helped to organise…Fri Nov 04 2011 - 00:00
App is a flush in the panSMALL PRINT: JUST WHEN you thought social media couldn’t get any more useful, it is now giving a helping hand to the basic human…Fri Nov 04 2011 - 00:00
Can Grindr go straight?Most social networking sites connect people in the virtual world but Grindr helps gay people meet for realWed Nov 02 2011 - 00:00
Day 1 of winter: Hot tipsTHE TEMPERATURE has been dropping every winter, and this year energy bills could be bigger than everTue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
What's cooking for Design Week?THE BUZZ CREATED around Pivot’s ultimately unsuccessful campaign for Dublin to become a World Design Capital in 2014 seems to…Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
What does your profile picture say about you?Whether it’s a photo of you on a night out or of you cuddling your newborn baby, the image you choose to represent you on social…Sat Oct 29 2011 - 01:00
Invasion of the master nerdsTHIS WEEK SEES an influx of nerds way richer, smarter and more forward-thinking than youFri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
Will RTÉ find its talent-show voice?SMALL PRINT: IT’S THE MOMENT Irish singers who didn’t get through to the audition rounds of The X Factor have been waiting for…Fri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
Fan-tasy footballYOU’VE WASTED HOURS playing Championship Manager, and now, if you live in Mexico, you can act out the game in real life.Fri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
How many attorneys general does it take to change a light bulb?SMALL PRINT: Ever since a public letter from eight of them was published yesterday, the plural compound noun “attorneys general…Tue Oct 25 2011 - 01:00
In my humble opinion . . . female pop stars are fetishising domestic violenceSMALL PRINT: Since when is domestic violence cool? The themes of pop music videos are very much a copycat gameTue Oct 25 2011 - 01:00
A rare look at London's luckless IrishSMALL PRINT: For generations of Irish emigrants to London, the cavernous Arlington House in Camden provided a home away from…Mon Oct 24 2011 - 01:00
Understanding the 'other Siri'SMALL PRINT: OVER THE past while, if you’ve been paying attention to the launch of the iPhone 4S, you’ve probably been hearing…Tue Oct 18 2011 - 01:00
Baboró arts festival is child's playSMALL PRINT: IF YOU think kids don’t get enough of a look-in at arts festivals around the country, then you should head to Galway…Tue Oct 18 2011 - 01:00
'Gay Christmas' is cancelled. So long, Alternative Miss IrelandThe 2012 Alternative Miss Ireland will be the last of these ‘hectic, hilarious, fun’ beauty pageants. Why?Sat Oct 15 2011 - 01:00
Unputdownable books by stand-upsDAVID O’DOHERTY’S new book, 100 Facts about Sharks , is being launched tomorrow at the Gutter Bookshop, in Temple Bar.Tue Oct 11 2011 - 01:00