Strong local opposition to 12-storey Phibsborough apartment block

Developer Garvagh Homes seeks to demolish former cinema, once site of Des Kelly Carpets

An artist’s impression of the proposed Phibsborough apartment building: Density and height trigger objections from some local residents.

Plans by Garvagh Homes for a 12-storey apartment tower on the site of the former State cinema in Phibsborough are facing strong local opposition.

The developer is seeking to demolish the 1950s cinema building that was most recently used as a Des Kelly Carpets showroom .

The development will consist of 96 apartments – 23 studios, 25 one-bed apartments, 47 two-bed units and one three-bedroom apartment.

Consultants for Garvagh Homes, Manahan Planners, told Dublin City Council the high-density scheme for 168 and 169 Phibsborough Road was consistent with guidelines in relation to residential density.


‘Neighbouring properties’

Commenting on the scheme’s 12-storey height, the planning consultants said the proposal would integrate appropriately with its surroundings, adding that the height “takes cognisance of the scale, height and proximity of neighbouring properties”.

They also said that the design and scale would make a positive contribution to the urban neighbourhood. However, most of the 20 submissions made concerning the scheme oppose the plan.

The submissions include a number from local residents’ associations. The Blend Residents’ Association said the site would be overdeveloped both in terms of density and height, which would “throw sections of the North Circular Road and the park into almost perpetual shadow”.

Historic village

The Connaught Street Residents’ Association said the proposed height “is excessive with little or no justification”.

On behalf of An Taisce, Kevin Duff said the scheme was over-scaled and over-massed and would severely undermine the ordered and coherent historic layout, scale and structure of Phibsborough village.

Significant revisions to the scheme were required, he said, adding that the proposal did not respond appropriately to the location and, due to its height and bulk, would overwhelm the surroundings and fail to assimilate into the historic village centre.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times