Fexco enters aircraft leasing game; State ‘loses out’ on social housing; the tech gender pay gap

Business Today: the best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

Paris Hilton takes a selfie with a fan in Dublin in 2006. Did she really invent the phenomenon of our times?

Foreign exchange and financial services group Fexco is backing a new aircraft leasing venture, Airborne Capital, that plans to have $5 billion in assets under its charge within five years, reports Barry O'Halloran

British chancellor Philip Hammond found, yet again, that his budget has been overshdowed by events beyond his control. Denis Stauton, in London, runs the rule over what had been deemed in some quarters a make-or-break budget for the under-pressure Hammond.

Staying with the UK budget, Cliff Taylor writes that moves in the British budget to seek a bigger tax contribution from major digital companies underline the battle facing Ireland from international deployments in this area.

The State, writes Barry O'Halloran, lost out on a potential ¤100 million to build social housing offered to developer Richard Barrett's new business because the Government had not approved a system for leasing the homes to councils.


Barry also reports that BAM Contractors, the company hired to build the National Children's Hospital, expects turnover this year to approach €500 million after earning profits in 2016 of €23 million.

In his column John Holden wonders why is it so hard for tech firms to just pay women the same as men?

Barry O'Halloran tells us that one of the agencies that provides staff to Ryanair paid a ¤1.17 million dividend to its parent last year.

John Holden asks why aren't more Irish businesses taking advantage of AI?

Cantillon has a look at the latest Central Bank attempt to get to grips with brokers' commissions and facts, figures and the true depth of the hosuing crisis.

Olive Keogh reports on BNest, a new incubator helps social entrepreneurs nurture start-ups, while Karlin Lillington tells us how software developed by Self Help Africa assisting farmers in securing fair prices for their produce.

As Black Friday approaches our Inside Business podcast finds out what reatailers think about it all.

Did Paris Hilton really invent the selfie? Karlin Lillington ponders the great question of modern times.

Have a good day.

Conn Ó Midheach

Conn Ó Midheach

Conn O Midheach is Assistant Business Editor - Digital of The Irish Times