Dear Dublin

Fighting Words: A story by Antoinette Tonge, LYCS, Mountjoy, Dublin 1

Suffolk Street, Dublin city centre. Photograph: iStock

Or should I say Dear Dirty Dublin. Looking more rotten than ever since the pandemic. Closed shops, windows like rotten teeth incongruous between bright, sparkling shops. Desperation everywhere, homeless people begging, come for a better life. Is it any better? And yet I love Dublin, it feels so good to hear an old Dublin accent and the wit after years away, or even a holiday. I feel at home and get every nuance, speech, wit and sarcasm. It breaks all the rules Dublin – ah go on yer all right. When you want to break some little rule yourself.

It’s memories of childhood and going to Stephen’s Green on Sunday morning to feed the ducks with my sister, then going on to visit Granda. It’s feeling safe walking home from town after dark at night in my teenage years. It’s feeling this is where I belong. I’m at home.

The Story Seeds project supports young people to write with the aim of enabling them to understand their own life story - their personal, circumstantial and emotional story and their place - be it geographical, social or imaginative.

The pieces included here are a small sample of the amazing creative work from the Story Seeds project.