Returning emigrants: How much did it cost you to move home?

What costs surprised you? What tips or suggestions do you have for others?

Emigrants - how much did it cost you to move home? Photograph: iStock/Getty Images

In the Business section of The Irish Times today, Fiona Reddan discusses the financial side of moving back to Ireland from overseas, and what returning emigrants need to be aware of when it comes to things like taxes, health and car insurance, and money transfers.

To count the costs of returning from abroad, we want to ask those who have already moved home to share their experiences. If you have come back, either alone or with a family, how much do you think it cost you in total? Was it more or less than you had anticipated? What costs surprised you? What tips or suggestions do you have for others based on your experience?

To contribute, fill in the form above. A photograph of you is optional.

A selection of responses will be published online later this week.


Thank you.