Left Wave by Carmen Sauvignon Blanc 2016

I dropped into my local supermarket this week, to see what was on offer. This is not really the time of year for surfing, but this pair, inspired by the winemaker's love of the waves, are pretty good value for €10. The Sauvignon Blanc, from the Leyda Valley, is fresh and aromatic, with zippy lime, gooseberries and green apples. This is a match for any Marlborough Sauvignon at this price. From Tesco, and Supervalu. Deal lasts until the end of the month.
Right Wave by Carmen Pinot Noir 2016

The red version is a Pinot Noir. Chile makes some the best budget Pinot Noir in the world – it is very rare to find wines made from this grape variety selling for a tenner. Or drinkable versions anyway. This is light and fragrant with wild fruits, dark cherries, and plums with a dusting of spice. Smooth and easy with no drying tannins. Drink it solo or with a pan-fried breast of duck, with or without plum sauce. €10 from Tesco and SuperValu. Deal lasts until the end of the month