Index: What’s hot and what’s not this week

Yes to Natasha Lyonne, the creator of brilliant Netflix series Russian Doll, but no to nano bags

What’s hot

Trad Tees Excellent retro T-shirts with Irish icons, available from Nine Crows

Ramen Kitchen A new ramen spot in Stoneybatter, Dublin 7

Virgin Atlantic Ditching archaic make-up rules for female cabin crew

Natasha Lyonne Can't wait to see what else the Russian Doll creator writes


There Will Be No Intermission Amanda Palmer's powerful new album

BuJo breakfast sandwich The Sandymount burger joint serves up a great morning fix

Rag Order Sublime clothing refurb and refresher, check @ragorderdublin on Instagram

What’s not

Festival plastic With Glastonbury banning plastic bottles, it's time for other festivals to follow suit

Small shades Go big or go home, like the Aviators at the last Celine show

Bodycon Loosen up and go for a boiler suit instead

Cutting city trees The new Bus Connects routes in Dublin mean many street trees are being chopped. Hardly progress

Nano bags Fashion reaching for an It Bag trend

Mid-range restaurant chains We prefer independent businesses, not cookie-cutter replicas

Extra-erratic weather Four seasons in a day, on repeat