What’s making you happy? New beginnings, and a cheese and tomato sandwich

Here is what’s making you #IrishTimesHappy this week

A sambo and a cup of tea

Tell us what’s making you happy by emailing happy@irishtimes.com or tweet us using #IrishTimesHappy. Here are this week’s responses:

My husband started a new career today less than a year after receiving very serious injuries in a road traffic accident. Happy, proud - there isn’t a word to fully describe it - Tracey @museandchat

Today I submitted my thesis for a Masters I started four years ago. I had to abandon it for two years due to illness, but I got there in the end. #neverthelessshepersisted - Edel @ edelkirley

Remembering that us humans aren’t supposed to be happy all the time. I just got bad news and feel like s**t and that is a perfectly reasonable response. I can still take the dogs for a run and suck diesel hard enough to momentarily forget and be happy - Deirdre


Cheese, tomato and onion sandwich on white bread with real butter and mayo. And a mug of tae - Ursula