Gardaí on high alert following stabbing in Sligo

Armed officers retaining presence at hospital amid fears Traveller feud could escalate

Gardaí are carefully monitoring visitors to both men amid concerns that the feud could escalate

Armed gardaí are retaining a presence at Sligo University Hospital following a stabbing incident in the town in which a man received multiple injuries.

Both the 42-year-old victim and his alleged attacker – who was also injured in the incident – are being treated at the hospital.

The two men are members of the Traveller community and the incident is believed to be related to an ongoing feud.

Sources said gardaí were on high alert, amid fears of reprisals, following the incident in which a 40-year-old woman also suffered stab wounds.


The woman, who was described by gardaí as an “innocent victim”, received a number of stitches at the hospital, and was later discharged.

The stabbing happened at Crozon Park in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The 42-year-old man suffered multiple stab wounds to his neck, back and arm. He underwent emergency surgery at the hospital where his condition although still critical, has improved.


His alleged attacker was arrested at the scene and brought to Ballymote Garda station. He was later transferred by armed gardaí to the hospital when it emerged that he had suffered injuries in the incident.

It is understood that a knife used in the attack has been sized by gardaí.

Officers are carefully monitoring visitors to both men amid concerns that the feud could escalate. Both men are expected to be questioned by gardaí once they are discharged from hospital.

Sources said tensions had been running high in recent weeks with postings on social media reflecting the level of antagonism between parties involved in the feud.

Marese McDonagh

Marese McDonagh

Marese McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, reports from the northwest of Ireland