Investigation after child injured in late-night incident at home

Girl getting medical treatment in Temple Street Children’s Hospital

Emergency services were called to a north Co Dublin address just before 10.30pm on Tuesday.

Gardaí are investigating how a child of national school age suffered fractures and other injuries while at her home in north Co Dublin.

In response to queries the Garda said the emergency services were called to an address just before 10.30pm on Tuesday.

“A female child is currently receiving medical treatment in Temple Street Children’s Hospital,” the statement added.

“Gardaí are continuing to investigate all the circumstances of this incident. There is no further information at this time.”


Detectives are trying to assess if the girl’s injuries were sustained during a fall incident at her home, as has been said by people close to her, or if there are other circumstances.

Garda sources said the child would be treated and then interviewed about the events of Tuesday night and about her home life and childhood generally.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times