Partial skeletal remains found during ground works in Rathmines

Forensic anthropologist has visited site and will examine alongside gardaí

Gardaí were on Friday investigating the discovery of what were believed to be partial skeletal remains in Rathmines, south Dublin. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times.

Gardaí are investigating the discovery of what are believed to be partial skeletal remains in Rathmines, south Dublin on Thursday.

The discovery was made during works on common ground at Lissenfield, Lower Rathmines Road and reported to gardaí.

A forensic anthropologist has visited the site and will continue his examinations along with members of the Garda Technical Bureau on Friday morning. The scene is currently preserved.

Gardaí at the scene in Rathmines, Dublin, where suspected partial human skeletal remains were found on a tree-lined common area close to apartments. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a reporter for The Irish Times