People Before Profit’s Gino Kenny: “I will always remember to the day I die when my mother found out that she was going to meet her daughter again.” Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

‘It was extremely traumatic for my mother and my sister,’ says Gino Kenny

Cloverhill Prison is currently under partial lockdown due to Covid-19. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Further concerns about low vaccination rate in Castlerea Prison

Leo Varadkar: In the Dáil Mr Varadkar said there are better health outcomes for people in Ireland than in Britain, under the NHS, for those affected by heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Ireland’s health service too small for State’s ageing population, Tánaiste acknowledges

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee was speaking after it emerged that the Irish Prison Service is currently dealing with 71 positive cases of Covid-19 among prisoners and another 49 cases among staff. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Some 112 prisoners had already tested positive before committal, Helen McEntee says

 Signage at the Community Covid Test Centre based in the Croke Park Hand Ball Alley, in Dublin. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Easier to get Garth Brooks tickets than PCR test appointment - Doherty

Annual grants are on the way of up to €500 towards the cost of wigs or hairpieces for people suffering hair loss through illness. File photograph: Getty Images

Treatment benefit will be in place by end of May next year, Minister confirms

 Gary Gannon  said some schools have programmes that are “biased and not providing objective information, precisely because of religious teaching that places one form of relationship in a hierarchy over others”.  Photograph Nick Bradshaw

Teaching of sex education has been considered by three ministers, but still an issue

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly said ‘four in every five people’ were getting the test within a day.  Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

People refusing to wear mask on trains giving ‘two fingers’ to society, says TD in Dáil debate

The National Lottery said the Lotto is a game of chance, which has no memory of when it was last won. File photograph: The Irish Times

Taoiseach notes FG TD’s ‘tenacity’ to ensure it could be you – sooner, rather than later

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall asked  Taoiseach Micheál Martin in the Dáil, ‘so when are we going to get a decision’ on antigen testing and who bears the cost? File photograph: Getty

Martin responds to Opposition charge of Coalition lacking urgency on introducing system

Gardaí move trucks to either side of the Luas tracks to enable a tram pass at Dawson Street on Wednesday during an Irish Truckers and Haulage Association protest against fuel prices. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Sharp Dáil exchanges between McDonald and Martin amid Dublin truck demonstration

Senator Jerry Buttimer said ‘the young boys and girls of our boxing clubs, and our young adults and potential and current Olympians, deserve boxing to be free from rancour”. File photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

FG Senator says sport being damaged from grass roots to high performance levels

The State ‘continues to deny justice’  to women sent to the   institutions and the children born there, the Dáil has been told. Photograph:  Niall Carson/PA Wire

Redress scheme should cover 100% of the survivors, SF spokeswoman on children says

Fine Gael TD Fergus O’Dowd hit out at local authorities who have responsibility for enforcing air pollution regulations, but who “huff and puff and do nothing about these deaths”. Photograph: iStock

TD demands ‘major clamp-down’ on cross-Border sales and ‘illegal advertising’

Mary Lou McDonald said large swathes of the country across a number of counties could not get PCR tests while the Government ‘dithers’ on antigen testing. Photograph: Alan Betson

Taoiseach defends in Dáil the Government’s approach to fourth wave of pandemic

Despite expectations since last week that a plan for providing antigen tests to the public at subsidised cost of around €3, no proposal has yet been brought to the Cabinet. Photograph: Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP/Getty Images

Holohan has warned incorrect use of antigen tests could lead to increased infections

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney: told the Dáil it is possible that Ethiopia ‘could fracture causing enormous instability in the Horn of Africa, not least to its closest neighbours’. Photograph: Alan Betson

Minister unsure if it will be possible to visit Addis Ababa in two weeks

Roscommon-Galway TD Denis Naughten noted widespread reports of abuse of the UK’s modernised register. File photograph: The Irish Times

Naughten highlights UK case where offender changed name five times over 30 years

The Taoiseach said around half a million antigen tests have been distributed across all sectors with 100,000 having  been used by the Department of Agriculture in meat plants alone. File photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Martin warns antigen testing is ‘not silver bullet by any means’

The Dáil was told that ‘the Government should stop coming out with this mantra that schools are safe’. File photograph: Getty

Putting one profession before another could ‘erode public support’ for vaccination programme

Minister for Climate Action Eamon Ryan said the appointments ‘went through all the proper Government procedures’. File photograph: Collins

Minister dismisses Sinn Féin allegation of cronyism and drift from Green Party stardards

Next year, 1.3-1.7 million applications are expected from people who ‘didn’t look at their passport for 18 months’. Photograph: Frank Miller

Minister says Passport Service staff will effectively double by January

Several members of the Business Committee are understood to have raised objections.

Government parties say they will pay costs for their members

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has said the ‘less talk…the better’ about the triggering of Article 16 of the Northern Ireland protocol in the coming weeks. Photograph: Alan Betson

Minister keen to give ongoing negotiations on Brexit related issues ‘every chance of success’

Labour climate action spokesperson Ivana Bacik spoke in defence of her party’s carbon labelling Bill in the Dáil on Wednesday. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Ivana Bacik tells Dáil that the legislation is ‘not some sort of far-fetched utopian vision’

Labour leader Alan Kelly clashed with the Taoiseach today

‘I learned something about you yesterday that I will not forget,’ Taoiseach tells Labour leader in Dáil

 Taoiseach Micheál Martin has defended the new mother and baby home redress scheme. File photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Mary Lou McDonald accuses Government of ‘doubling down’ on commission’s ‘failures’

The Department of Health, Miesian Plaza, on Baggot Street, Dublin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Dáil hears claim ‘no substantive progress’ made but meeting with landlord planned

The Dáil debated a Sinn Féin motion on the National Ambulance Service and TDs highlighted cases of lengthy hours-long delays in response times to 999 calls in their constituencies. Photograph: Irish Times

Staff can get call-out to place up to 300 miles away, adding hours to long shifts, Dáil told

People Before Profit TD Richard Boyd Barrett said the imposition of a midnight curfew on nightlife and the recommendations to work from home would  result in a lot of people losing income. Photograph: iStock

Martin says hospitality sector struggling to fill vacancies as TD raises concerns over job losses

People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy questioned how the Taoiseach could say that schools are safe places as he called for proper ventilation to be installed in schools as other EU countries had done. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Some people over-80 will not be eligible for a booster vaccine until March 2022

The processing of a backlog of more than 31,500 foreign birth registrations for passports will resume on Monday on a phased basis after it was halted at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Photograph: iStock

Minister pledges ‘focus on reducing turnaround time’, which is currently 18 months

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly (right) with Louise Haigh MP (left) speaking to media before the opening of the Labour Party Conference in the Mansion House tonight. Photograph: Sam Boal /

Mr Kelly said too many parties are ‘lying to the Irish people’ and there is a third option

The Government needs to set clear annual targets for forestry, the Labour Party conference has heard. File photograph: The Irish Times

Party debates climate change and need for ambitious afforestation programme

The European Union’s negotiator Maros Sefcovic will be in London for talks with his UK counterpart  David Frost. Photograph: VIRGINIA MAYO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Sefcovic set to tell British that removal of ECJ role in protocol is ‘unattainable’ goal

Fianna Fáil Carlow-Kilkenny TD John McGuinness said he was ‘sickened to the pit of my stomach’ by the details of the Grace case. File photo: David Sleator

Two more disability cases in southeast under review in addition to ‘Grace’ and ‘Brandon’ cases

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney dismissed Sinn Féin complaints of cronyism. File photograph: The Irish Times

This amounted to important decision to place qualified people in key roles – Coveney

The Dáil heard that there is still time to ensure talks and partnership can work so problems with the NI protocol can be resolved. File photograph: Getty

Minister indicates conversation with senior Biden adviser and members of US Congress

Report identifies 108 occurrences of sexually inappropriate behaviours by one resident towards 18 other residents with the ‘knowledge of staff and management’ at Ard Gréine Court, Co Donegal. Photograph: Joe Dunne

Gardaí wrote to HSE last week seeking delay over ‘factual inaccuracy’, Dáil told

During sharp exchanges in the Dáil Darragh O’Brien claimed Sinn Féin housing spokesman Eoin Ó Broin wanted to ‘sow discontent’. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Minister for Housing accuses Sinn Féin of attempting to create controversy

Under the  draft Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy 2022-2042 published this week, proposals for a  southside metro have been scrapped while the Dart Underground will not be built for at least 20 years.

Taoiseach insists planning application for MetroLink has not been delayed by a decade

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said the late Austin Currie was ‘one of that extraordinary generation of modern leaders’. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

SDLP co-founder cared about ‘bringing peace, reconciliation, unity to this island’

Groups such as the Royal Irish Academy have argued that the role of chief scientific advisor should not be combined with the head of a national research funder in order to  avoid potential conflicts of interests. Photograph: iStock

Bid to strengthen official science advice in wake of Covid pandemic

Taoiseach Micheál Martin: ‘My views are very strong and I don’t think there’s a need to trigger Article 16. I believe it would be wrong to do so.’ Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Dublin and Brussels concerned about a possible British move to trigger Article 16

Independent TD Michael Collins: ‘It’s astonishing, in its own right, that no standalone statute has ever been erected in his memory in our capital in Dublin for the public.’

Cork South-West TD Michael Collins points to ‘non-political’ organising committee

Labour leader Alan Kelly  warned that a ‘perfect storm’ was brewing on energy supply. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Labour leader warns ‘perfect storm’ brewing over guarantee of power through winter

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe: ‘We’re absolutely aware of the added pressure that many are facing at the moment.’ Photograph: Valeria Mongelli/Bloomberg

Many EU countries handling ‘issue for many families in exactly the same way as we are’, says Minister

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald claimed that Paschal Donohoe and Darragh O’Brien were ready to ‘dust off the red carpet again’ for investment funds. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

McDonald says Government trying to attract same funds that ‘wrecked the housing market’

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy said the new strategy sees a doubling of the cost and the postponement of large scale projects in the greater Dublin Area. Photograph: Alan Betson

Changes to transport plan described as ‘an abdication’ of climate action commitments

The forum was established when maternity leave for Minister for Justice Helen McEntee, and issues surrounding it, ‘brought into sharp focus the inadequacies of the system’. File photograph: The Irish Times

Forum recommends women for every Oireachtas committee after next election

Eamon Ryan said the incident at Connolly station in Dublin ‘is a real concern’. Photograph: Tom Honan

‘Random passenger’ got ramp to help woman who gave train company 24 hours’ notice, Seanad told

The Doolin Coast Guard unit has been stood down following the resignations of six members, including the officer in charge, out of a team of 18. File photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Issues which led to Doolin Coast Guard being stood down replicated across country, TDs say

The Dáil was told that an energy security review is in progress to ensure a reliable electricity supply ‘as we shift away from fossil fuels towards renewables’. File photograph: Getty

Smyth asks TDs for evidence in wake of claims semi-State ‘orchestrated’ supply crisis

Paschal Donohoe. Photograph: Tom Honan for The Irish Times.

State needs to acknowledge virus is endemic and plan medium-term strategy - Murphy

Basketball Ireland had cancelled league games and competitions following a change  regulations which required anyone playing indoors to either have a Covid-19 vaccination certificate or proof of a negative PCR test. Photograph: iStock

Basketball games and competitions for under 18s had been halted due to pandemic related issue

The Minister said major changes would be needed across all sectors including in regulatory and planning systems for developments such as offshore wind. Photograph: iStock

Plan unveiled today will see €125bn invested in cutting emissions to meet targets

Taoiseach Micheál Martin described basketball as ‘a great sport’ and pledged to do ‘everything we possibly can to facilitate its restoration in these difficult Covid times’. File photograph: Getty

TDs raise concerns that guidelines discriminate against unvaccinated children under 12

 Richard Boyd Barrett: ‘We are getting net deforestation and the State forestry company, which is entrusted with being the steward of the public forest estate, is flogging off public forestry.’ Photograph: Alan Betson

Taoiseach claims People Before Profit TD is not involved in ‘solution mode’ but in politics and opposition for the sake of it

The Taoiseach was asked to  confirm that the jet would no longer be used ‘where there is a feasible alternative in the form of commercial flights to the city of destination’. File photograph: The Irish Times

Dáil told that State aircraft not used regularly because of frequent need for maintenance

Taoiseach Micheál Martin warned that invoking article 16 would be irresponsible, reckless and unwise. Photograph: Getty

Martin cautions Britain on suspending NI protocol, that ‘good faith’ response required

Fianna Fáil TD Dara Calleary said farmers are angry at being portrayed as the ‘bogey men’ of climate change in Ireland. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Taoiseach accused in Dáil of a ‘cop out’ on Cop26 emissions goals before ink had dried

Report identifies 108 occurrences of sexually inappropriate behaviours by one resident towards 18 other residents ‘with the knowledge of some staff and management’ at Ard Gréine Court, Co Donegal. Photograph: Joe Dunne

TD highlights ‘catastrophic failures’ by HSE, Hiqa and Garda over Co Donegal unit

The Mansion House in Dublin. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Tánaiste says citizens’ assembly next year will examine the issue

Protesters attend a rally for student nurses and midwives outside Leinster House, Dublin. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Leo Varadkar confirms 12.5% pay rise for final-year student nurses during internships

Independent TD Michael Collins said farmers   with suckler and dairy herds were worried. File photograph: Alan Betson

‘We are proud of the fact that we are able to produce nine times as much food as we need and we will continue doing that’

There were 493 people in hospital with Covid-19 on Tuesday morning, with 90 of those in ICU

Impact on hospitals very serious says Minister as he proposes rollover of emergency health provisions

Taoiseach Micheál Martin: ‘Sad reality is that Brexit continues to be destructive.’ Photograph: The Irish Times

Taoiseach warns Brexit is ‘destructive’ for politics – time wasted on ‘avoidable disputes’

Taoiseach Micheál Martin was wearing a St Brigid’s cross emblem on his jacket as he attended the Fianna Fáil annual Wolfe Tone commemoration at Bodenstown in Co Kildare. Photograph: The Irish Times

‘It remains to be seen how Government will decide ultimately on that matter,’ says Martin

Once bovine TB is found in a herd no movement of animals is allowed in or out of it until there are two consecutive clear tests, which can take up to four months. File photograph: The Irish Times

Elimination of disease stalls as farmers report cases for the first time in 30 years

Taoiseach Micheál Martin said the European Medicines Agency is likely to make a decision ‘in a number of weeks’ time’ in relation to vaccinating children. Photograph: Alan Betson

National Immunisation Advisory Committee to discuss booster vaccines for health staff

Demonstrators calling for action on the climate crisis march through Glasgow, Scotland, on the eve of the Cop26 Summit. Photograph: Andrew Testa/The New York Times

Martin to deliver national statement to summit on how Ireland is tackling climate crisis

Senator Pat Casey expressed his frustration that the State does ‘not seem to understand the implications of processes and applications that are not time-bound’. Photograph: iStock

FF Senator ‘frustrated’ at inability of ‘all arms of State’ to decide on infrastructure

Two cars alight and a fallen lamppost blocking the entrance to an estate in Fortunestown, Tallaght at Hallowe’en in 2019. Photograph: Dublin Fire Brigade/Twitter

Burning on rubbish and danger of bonfires also highlighted in run up to Hallowe’en

Some operators are not enforcing the regulations to ensure that only vaccinated patrons are entering their venues, says Donnelly. Photograph: Tom Honan

Compliance by hospitality sector key for restrictions to be avoided, says Taoiseach

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan said  ‘it would be scandalous if we were fighting against such costs (being paid) but it’s not true’. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Minister for Transport says he regrets implication that review costs may not be covered

Minister for Justice Heather Humphreys said she shared the concerns expressed by others over what appeared to be the continuation of inappropriate cancellation and classification of 999 calls since the introduction of the new procedures.  Photograph: Gareth Chaney /Collins Photos Dublin

Heather Humphreys tells TD officials will provide her with information

The Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, one of the authorities involved in checks, has to hold on to the dogs for up to 18 months while legal proceedings take place. File photograph: Getty

Gangs making millions of euro due to ‘lack of enforcement’ regarding animal welfare laws

Israeli and German  fighter jets flying over the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, during a display of cooperation between the two countries and their armies, in Jerusalem on Sunday. Photograph:  Emmanuel Dunand / AFP via Getty Images

TDs warned that ‘mixing anti-Semitism with day-to-day politics is dangerous’

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald speaks to children from across Donegal at Dáil Éireann as they protest to highlight the ongoing mica crisis. Photograph: PA

Taoiseach says issue of crumbling homes will be addressed ‘in very comprehensive way’

Gardaí expressed concern that such a large number of young people were willing to allow their accounts to be used. Photograph: iStock

Marian Harkin says Government could offer amnesty for those caught up in ‘exploitation’

Seanad Leader and Fianna Fail Senator Lisa Chambers said the Minister for Health  had told her his department is drafting a Bill on safe access. Photograph: Dara Mac Donaill

SF introduces legislation as Senator highlights efforts to ‘intimidate and cause upset’

A woman looks at the floral tributes left outside the Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, where Conservative MP Sir David Amess was killed on Friday Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA Wire

TDs observe a minute’s silence in Dáil in tribute to murdered MP

Social Democrats co-leader Catherine Murphy said there was a failure to act on the fact that Covid-19 was an airborne virus. Photograph: Alan Betson

Martin defends anomalies between sectors as TD criticises lack of planning for nightclubs

Sinn Féin TD Chris Andrews accused Dublin Council of ‘neglect’ of its tenants because of ongoing problems that have not been addressed. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Apartments built 12 years ago among number of blocks in ‘shocking condition’

Sinn Féin TD Paul Donnelly highlighted the case of a registered charity which he said has spent the last two years fighting to put a stop to fake clothing collections by criminals using its name and logo. Photograph: Harry McGee

‘I can’t understand why the Garda or the regulator can’t act,’ says Paul Donnelly

Senator Regina Doherty: ‘What’s really bizarre is that the treatment she and her husband received is absolutely okay under the HSE guidelines that were issued on September 13th.’ Photograph: The Irish Times

Senator cites case to highlight ‘discrimination’ against partners in maternity units

‘You lack that basic human ability to put yourself in the shoes of other people, enduring hardship,” Sinn Fein housing spokesman Eoin  Ó Broin said. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Varadkar hits out at ‘classic Sinn Féin tactics’, ‘kind of populism that has destroyed politics’

Concerns over the escalating number of Covid-19 infections, and consequent risks to the health system, have cast doubt on plans to remove almost all restrictions in just over a week’s time.

Continued doubt over next phase of reopening on October 22nd due to high case numbers

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe is ‘gaslighting the nation’, said Social Democrats TD Catherine Murphy. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

SF leader says budget gives ‘no answers to big questions in housing, health, cost of living’

Taoiseach Micheál Martin told the Dáil that Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien will introduce a new cap on rent increases in the coming weeks to keep them below the rate of inflation.  Photograph: Mark Marlow/PA Wire

Sinn Féin renews call for three year freeze for 750,000 tenants in rental accommodation

Taoiseach Micheál Martin: ‘[The surgery] has to happen, and it must happen in a timely manner.’ Photograph: Mark Marlow/PA Wire

Adam Terry was first diagnosed with spinal issues when he was 18-months-old

Dublin City Council chief executive Owen Keegan has been criticised over comments he made about student accommodation. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Dublin council chief said he was surprised students’ union had not entered property market

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath. Photograph: Julien Behal/PA Photo

Ramped-up spending to cover social welfare, housing, health, education and easing tax burden

The increase is expected to generate €56 million annually. Photograph: iStock

Covid restrictions ‘possibly’ helped increase in tobacco tax revenue by €70 million

Carol Nolan accused the Government of being the government of being  happy ‘to sell out every sector’. Photograph: Tom Honan

Move on corporate tax ‘appeased our EU masters’, and is ‘just the beginning’, says Nolan

Sinn Féin finance spokesman Pearse Doherty. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Budget 2022: Opposition parties accuse Government of being ‘out of touch’ and ‘directionless’

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath at Government Buildings to unveil Budget 2022. Photograph: Julien Behal/PA

Budget 2022: State will be there for people ‘when they most need it’, McGrath says

Minister for Social Protection  Heather Humphreys:  “If we find people who knowingly abused the PUP, we will apply the full rigours of the law against them.” Photograph: Alan Betson

Close to a tenth of claims ineligible for Covid-19 benefit, review finds

The HSE reported 46 cases of gastrointestinal illness in the Gorey area following an incident that exposed about 900,000 people to insufficiently disinfected water supplies after a power and chlorine pump failure. Photograph: iStock

Report states two incidents ‘highlight inadequacies in operational management’

HSE chief executive Paul Reid said “nobody’s proud” of the record waiting list for hospital treatment. Additional investment being put in place will result in an extra 150,000 procedures to “make an initial impact” on the list. Photograph: Getty

Nearly 70 per cent of Covid patients in ICU not vaccinated, says HSE chief Paul Reid

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