President offers condolences to family of MP David Amess

British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly meeting cancelled after stabbing of Tory MP

English MP Sir David Amess was fatally stabbed while conducting a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, on Friday. Photograph: Richard Townshend/UK parliament/AFP via Getty Images

President Michael D Higgins has extended condolences to the family of the late English MP Sir David Amess.

The President said the Conservative MP was killed while carrying out a fundamental role of a politician – helping their constituents.

Mr Amess was fatally stabbed while conducting a constituency surgery in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, on Friday.

“May I express my deepest sympathies to the family, friends, colleagues in parliament and constituents of Sir David Amess, who was murdered while carrying out that most fundamental act of a politician, meeting with his constituents, assisting them with their issues,” Mr Higgins said.


“All of those who value representative politics will think also today of the family of the late Jo Cox, who was taken from her family in June 2016.

“I know that all those who serve the people of the United Kingdom will have been deeply affected by these two murders and on behalf of the Irish people, I send them our deepest sympathies.”


Meanwhile, the British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly (BIPA) has cancelled a scheduled plenary meeting at Westminster on Monday as a mark of respect for the late MP.

The assembly meets twice a year to provide a forum for parliamentarians across the UK, Ireland and British crown dependencies to discuss issues of mutual interest.

In a joint statement, the co-chairs of the assembly, MP Andrew Rosindell and Fianna Fáil TD Brendan Smith, said: “Sir David Amess was an esteemed colleague, associate member and friend of the British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly and his loss has deeply shocked all of us.

“Our thoughts are with him and with his family, for whom the tragedy is orders of magnitude more intense.

“We must not let such awful events stop business in our democracies, but out of respect for David and his family, we have made the incredibly difficult decision to cancel Monday’s BIPA plenary.” – PA