Share your Covid-19 story: Have you lost your job or business?

Another 200,000 people could lose their jobs this week, retail group warns

A shopper wearing a face mask on Grafton Street, Dublin last weekend. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

An estimated 140,000 people have already lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 crisis, with another 200,000 retail jobs in jeopardy this week.

If you are an employee who has lost their job, a self-employed person whose income has rapidly dried up, or a business owner who has had to let people go or are worried about the future, The Irish Times would like to hear from you. Have you applied for an emergency social welfare payment? Are you worried about paying bills, rent, or mortgages? Do you think enough is being done to support those who have lost their jobs, or struggling businesses?

You can use this form to submit your experiences (max 200 words).

You can attach a photograph of yourself if you wish.


If you would like to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission.

A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print.

Thank you.