A Bloomsday like no other

Sir, – Armed with Robert Nicholson’s splendid The Ulysses Guide and a bike, I traversed Bloomsday Dublin from Sandycove at 8am to “Nighttown” around 11 hours later, recording my own personal Bloomsday to an App for tracking running and cycling.

Acknowledging that this was in no way a normal Bloomsday, I was struck by the relative absence of Joycean “cosplay” around the city but heartened by my own stream of consciousness observations of the ordinary interactions of the city’s populace going about their normal day to day lives.

It led me to speculate to myself about how Joyce would have written about a Dublin under Covid-19. No doubt he would have had his own inimitable and labyrinthine way of expressing it, though in a curious sort of parallax way Joyce has already done so. – Yours, etc,



Cabinteely, Dublin 18.