A grand grant altogether?

Sir, – Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross takes a diversion from his usual portfolio and travels into the uncharted waters of childcare in Ireland.

Grandparents are undoubtedly valuable and important carers. So too are the countless parents living on domiciliary care allowance and carer’s benefit who stay at home to mind their children who have additional needs. Often these parents use their meagre allowances to pay for private therapies that should be available through the public services.

Can we also expect Mr Ross to support us? Or has that train left the station? – Yours, etc,



Ringsend, Dublin 4.

Sir, – Shane Ross believes that grandparents contribution to childcare should be recognised by way of a grant. What about those of us who don’t have grandparents and have to fork out €16,000 a year in childcare and get no help from the State? What is Shane Ross going to do to help us? – Yours, etc,


Baldoyle, Dublin 13.

Sir, – Would it not make more sense to provide a grant for those looking after their own children’s grandparents? – Yours, etc,


Portmarnock, Co Dublin.