Anger at installation of metal detectors at shrine

Sir, – Israel's installation of metal detectors at entry points to the Temple Mount and the Haram al-Sharif following the shooting dead of two police officers at the site, is eminently justifiable (World News, July 21st).

The response by Palestinian groups in calling for a “day of rage’ in protest should not be supported by anyone anywhere, however sympathetic they may be to the plight of the Palestinians in general.

Catholics and visitors of all denominations from round the world who have visited St Peter’s at the Vatican are familiar with the security system there, which is similar to that at airports, able to detect weapons that would cause harm to others. There are queues at peak-times, of course, which people accept in the interests of safety and the common good.

The words of one of the song of ascents psalms come to mind at this time: “Pray for the well-being of Jerusalem; may those who love you be at peace.” – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.