Brexit and Anglo-Irish relations

Sir, – The UK Brexit secretary David Davis claims that the Government's stance on Brexit is influenced by Sinn Féin ("Brexit row increases strains on Anglo-Irish relations", News, April 11th). The DUP's influence on the British government, on the other hand, is presumably an entirely different matter? – Yours, etc,


Innishannon, Co Cork.

Sir, – Britain’s Brexit secretary David Davis accuses the Irish Government of being under the “strong influence” of Sinn Féin in its approach to exit negotiations. Mr Davis said he had not anticipated the “tough” line to the talks adopted by Leo Varadkar. Perhaps Mr Davis should ease off on the spin and obfuscation and try to get to grips with the growing concerns among people from both traditions in the North. He and his fellow Brexiteers should put their energy into coming up with a concrete plan to avoid a hard border and ease away from being strangers to the truth. – Yours, etc,



Sandycove, Co Dublin.

Sir, – I think David Davis is spending too much time with the DUP trying to please it with a tune it would like to hear. His pied-piper antics will come back to bite him. Not even Sinn Féin thinks that it is driving the Irish Government’s policy on Brexit. – Yours, etc,


Letterkenny, Co Donegal.