Children with special needs

A chara, – Special schools and classes are due to reopen in the coming weeks. Children with complex needs (such as Down syndrome) who attend mainstream classes will not be returning. The only provision that has been made for this cohort of children is an allocation of five hours per week of home-based teaching or care supports to supplement remote teaching. This provision is to be made available at evenings and weekends.

As a parent of a child with Down syndrome, I have spent the last hour trying to write a letter to you explaining why this provision is impractical, ill-conceived, hopelessly overdue, ineffective and will only add further pressure to families but I cannot waste any more time stating the obvious.

I will note that, in my experience, most primary school going children with Down syndrome attend mainstream classes.

All parties involved in devising this plan have made it abundantly clear that the needs of this cohort of children are low down the list of their priorities. – Is mise,



Windy Arbour,

Dublin 14.