Counting carbon footprint

Sir, – Further to Una Mullally's column (November 15th) advocating the purchase of fewer private vehicles, including fewer electric vehicles, I would suggest that what is now needed is a clear statement of the anticipated lifetime carbon footprint, to be displayed in all advertising and promotional literature for each new vehicle offered for sale.

This statement would include the carbon consumed in the manufacture of the vehicle.

I would go further and suggest that similar information should be required by law to appear in respect of all items offered for sale, in the same way that the ingredients of manufactured foodstuffs must be stated on the packaging.

This information could be highlighted in a coded form similar to that used in the energy labelling of electrical appliances.


This would have the advantages of building consumer awareness of the impact of emissions; it would allow consumers to make an informed ecological choice in respect of every purchase and, most significantly, would encourage competition between manufacturers on the basis of reducing their carbon footprint.

Legislation is required to implement the above.

We have all listened to numerous commitments from the Government on climate change; this would appear to offer the Government an opportunity for action.

– Yours etc,



Dublin 18.