Divided by counties

Sir, – John McGuinness TD says that the recommendations of the Waterford-Kilkenny Boundary Review Committee are an “act of war”.

If it precipitates a war between those counties, I wonder where each of them will find allies.

It could very easily escalate into a conflict involving all of Munster and Leinster. In that event, there’s a very good precedent for the Leinstermen calling in assistance from Wales, which would certainly make for a great fight – and who knows what the long-term consequences of that would be? Another 700 or 800 years of alien rule?

Moreover, the People’s Republic of Cork might use the conflict as an excuse to disassociate itself from Munster – joining up with the Leinstermen in a clever tactical manoeuvre, on the principle that my enemy’s enemy is my friend.


And President Trump might avail of the opportunity represented by such large-scale disruption to launch an invasion of one or other province, or both, from his stronghold in Doonbeg, in which case President Putin might attempt to annex Ulster (to which he is most welcome, and I wish him luck in trying to subdue that lot). – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.