Donald Trump’s travel plans

Sir, – May I ask what is the rush about inviting Donald Trump to visit Ireland, and why is the Taoiseach being less than forthcoming with us by indicating that he may wait until he gets to the White House to decide on issuing such an invitation? We should know his intentions well before his St Patrick’s Day visit.

The issue of presenting the traditional bowl of shamrock to the new US president is causing enough debate as it is already, so let at least another year lapse before considering an invitation to visit. We may then be in a better position to decide. As it stands, we should recognise that if the principles and value system that Mr Trump is currently espousing were embraced by our education system there would be national outrage. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Further to Donald Trump’s odd signature, perhaps his tiny hands are cloven! – Yours, etc,


Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.

Sir, – In the spirit of true patriotism, I am willing to put my hand in my pocket to start a fund to ensure that when our Taoiseach stands before the president of the United States, he will do so wearing an Ivanka outfit. Here’s a fiver. – Yours, etc,

