Donegal – the forgotten county

Sir, – One might expect a politician to be well versed in the art of spinning an opponent's policy against that opponent. In an opinion piece, the former minister for justice and leader of the now defunct Progressive Democrats Michael McDowell offered up a master class in that black art ("Green policies are increasingly divorced from reality", Opinion, September 15th).

As a resident of Donegal, I welcome any attempt by our elected politicians to improve the appalling connectivity of our county to the rest of Ireland. I do not recall any attempts by the former minister to provide as much as a pedestrian crossing in Letterkenny when he was in power, despite his attempt in his article to ridicule the long overdue and very welcome proposed extension of the railway network to Donegal after nearly a lifetime’s absence.

Mr McDowell derides supporters of such a move as “eco-hobbits”. My message to him, and to anyone else who wants to continue to starve Donegal of infrastructure, is that we are equal citizens of the Republic and will remember at the next opportunity to vote those who will make a conscious choice to neglect our county, and those who want our county to survive and thrive. – Yours, etc,



Quigley’s Point,

Co Donegal.