Easing restrictions and civic space

Sir, – We are deeply unprepared for the easing of the lockdown.

How many of our towns and villages are capable of facilitating social distancing once they become swamped with people? Do they have two-metre-wide paths, space for queueing at shops and space to socially distance at pedestrian crossings? Very few, I would imagine, without having to step onto the road in front of a car.

Yet social distancing will be a feature of society for the coming months, long after lockdown measures have been eased. We have enough space, it is just being misallocated. Local authorities must urgently address this, through pedestrianising village and town centres, and giving more space to people.

It appears that we will soon face a choice: we can stop the spread or we can go back to business as usual. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.