England and soccer

Sir, – Keith Duggan's brilliant piece "Fate of England team continues to be Ireland's dark obsession" (Sport, July 7th) perfectly encapsulates my conflicted and obsessive interest in the misfortunes of the England football team. I have heartily indulged in the immature and aberrant delight that comes with England's latest footballing humiliation – with delinquent celebrations lasting long into many a night. While I can see the churlishness of my view, the fact remains that should "football come home", there will be a long line of Nigel Farage/James Corden/Boris Johnson types to remind us of the fact for the next 50 years. They are still banging on about 1966! Maybe another glorious failure would suit all round? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.


Sir, – Of the five “Latest News” headlines on The Irish Times website on the evening of July 7th, no less than three of them related to England’s defeat of Sweden in the quarter final of the (soccer) World Cup. Could we have a bit of perspective, please? – Yours, etc,


Mount Pleasant,
