Forming a stable government

Sir, – Many people within Fianna Fáil believe that the party should now speak to both Sinn Féin and Fine Gael.

All is now changed from the general election which these parties contested on the premise of not entering government with one another.

In the UK, in May 2010, it took the Conservative and Liberal Democrats four days to agree on coalition government. If the will is there, the three major parties could agree quickly a programme for government predicated on economic recovery, a major public housing building programme, rapid implementation of health service reform and a rotating taoiseach.

Any political group excluded from government formation talks will make hay in opposition with a negative, populist response to harsh but necessary fiscal measures.


The ballot box has to be respected. The three major parties could provide a more cohesive, enduring government to an administration relying on the support of smaller parties and Independents who have an established history of desertion. – Yours, etc,



Co Louth.