Hurt within Church of Ireland

Sir, – I share much of Mr Scott Golden’s upset following the appointment of Bishop McClay as bishop of Down & Dromore (Letters, December 7th) However, I have, reluctantly, come to the conclusion that it is probably better having him inside the tent looking out than outside looking in. Inside the tent Bishop McClay may have a colleague, or two, who is supportive of, and understands the agenda of Changing Attitude Ireland, and together they may find common ground in the Gospel.

Perhaps of more significance will be which member of the House of Bishops early next year will be called to be Primate. Hopefully, by the grace of God, it will be one of their number who, while being secure in his/her special location within the broad spectrum of Anglicianism, has a comprehensive knowledge, understanding and empathy with our rich diversity, and will work with it creatively. – Yours, etc,

PAT CARMODY (Rev retd),

Rathmines, Dublin 6.