Identity politics and women’s rights

Sir, – Daniel McLaughlin's article (July 24th), reports on Viktor Orban's systematic takeover of education, justice, the media and culture. It reported that Fine Gael MEP Maria Walsh stated the Hungarian government's actions "emphasised that equality is hard fought, but can be quickly lost if we do not work collectively to ensure extremists like Orban are held to account".

Irish women understand extremism having faced down the prejudice of the church and State over the past 100 years.

They are facing a new extremism in the form of gender identity politics that seeks to erase the biological reality of being female.

This month Minister for Equality Roderic O’Gorman, launched a consultation seeking the public’s views on a review of the equality Acts. As part of this review the gender ground will be considered. In short the meaning of gender will be reviewed.


Currently gender is commonly understood to mean male or female. If the definition of gender is expanded to include anyone who “identifies” as either male or female it will have far reaching consequences for natal women’s rights in many spheres of public and private life. A public debate on the influence of gender identity politics is long overdue.

Politicians are afraid to address the subject because they are under the misapprehension that the views of a minority are held by the majority.

This pluralistic ignorance can only be reversed if the press gives politicians licence to address the subject and starts the debate. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.