Inspiring youth

Sir, – In acknowledgment of International Youth Day taking place this week, I’d like to acknowledge the youth of today and their incredible fortitude over the last 17 months. It has been an incredibly frustrating time for all, but particularly for young people in Ireland. Often young people feel they are overlooked, and during a pandemic, where the young are of least concern, this feeling has only been heightened.

It was recently announced by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) that jobless rates are three times higher in those aged 15 to 24 compared to those over 25, with an estimation of 75,000 young people without education, training, or employment in Ireland. These statistics also come hand in hand with the spike in mental health issues recorded in young people since Covid-19 hit.

This International Youth Day, we should take the time to recognise the innovative and inspiring youth in Ireland, with a focus on providing them with better opportunities for professional and social development.

More resources and funding are badly needed.


As a youth team leader for YMCA Dublin, I’ve seen the benefits and opportunities a supportive community can offer young people, and the pandemic has only highlighted the need for there to be a better and more sustainable environment in Ireland for young people to prosper and grow.

They are our future generation of leaders after all. – Yours, etc,


YMCA Dublin,

Dublin 2.