Lifts, wheelchair access and Irish Rail

Sir, – Wheelchair users in the Republic of Ireland face enough challenges as it is without the added burden caused by the negligence of Iarnród Éireann. On arrival at Pearse Station this evening, an announcement informed passengers that the lifts are out of service in four stations within the greater Dublin area. The lifts at Drogheda have been out of service for weeks; Laytown and Bettystown followed suit shortly after. Don’t even think about going to Hazelhatch and Celbridge if you have a child’s pram or are a wheelchair user because you’ll be stuck on the platform. You won’t be taking a nice trip to the seaside with your child either as the lifts in Killiney are also not working. Considering that the majority of stations are now unattended and thus unsuitable for wheelchair users, the lack of working lifts in so many stations is another unnecessary challenge facing those in wheelchairs and those with children travelling by train. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.