Little Englanders or Great Britons?

Sir, – Patrick Smyth (Analysis, August 29th) denounced "Little England" in his column, so joining a long list of Irish commentators, including Martin McGuinness, who have taken up "Little Englander" as an insult to Brexit supporters. Leaving aside the fact that Wales, as well as England, voted for Brexit, this particular insult seems bizarre coming from citizens of the Irish Republic. The insult "Little Englander" originated in the 19th century and was directed at those Britons who disagreed with imperialism. Is Patrick Smyth a secret fan of British imperialism?

More profoundly the phrase seems to indicate a contempt for smaller countries, which once again seems peculiar for Ireland. Were those who led the Easter Rising merely “Little Irelanders”?

The reality is that the UK has made a decision that it wants to be a “a nation once again”, something I would have expected the Irish to understand rather than sneer at. – Yours, etc,


