Masks and healthcare settings

Sir,– You report that Prof Luke O'Neill has backed calls from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation for mandatory mask-wearing to be reintroduced in indoor settings (News, March 23rd).

On the same day, the director general of the HSE Paul Reid confirmed in a radio interview that there are some people not wearing face masks when visiting hospitals.

This beggars belief. In England, while face coverings are no longer required by law, they continue to be required in healthcare settings to comply with infection prevention and control and adult social care guidance.

This includes hospitals and primary or community care settings. They must also be worn by everyone accessing or visiting care homes. It is a requirement to wear a face covering on entering these healthcare settings and they must be kept on until leaving, unless the individual has an exemption or a reasonable excuse not to do so. The HSE has a duty of care to protect patients, clients and staff. We need to introduce a mandate which will ensure that measures similar to those required in English healthcare settings are followed as matter of urgency. – Yours, etc,



Health Centre,


Co Wexford.