On your e-bike

Sir, – I welcome Oisín Clarke’s (October 29th) clarification on the legal status of e-bicycles. Having recently purchased one, using the Government’s bike to work scheme, I am delighted to find that I am not breaking the law by throwing my leg over the saddle.

Commuting these past two months with the e-bicycle has been most illuminating. Much of the pain has been taken out of cycling. Strong head winds and punishing hill climbs can be tackled with ease. One no longer has to haul oneself out of the saddle to get the bike in motion. The autumnal rains can dampen the spirits but may be effectively managed, as in golf (did I mention how well I was playing?) with appropriate clothing.

One thing hasn’t changed, sadly. The e-bike has not ended the ancient conflict between cyclist and motorist. The latter, through carelessness or naked belligerence, still occasionally threatens to put a sudden end to my journey or worse, my life. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.