Piping Shannon water to Dublin

Sir, – We who live near the river Shannon are compassionate people and we can all understand the frustration of not having enough water for life as we knew it, particularly since we are all now in the same situation as Dubliners in this regard. But what we simply find incomprehensible is the expense and bother to many of pumping water to Dublin for half of it to run out of the pipes and into the Irish Sea.

Can you think of any comparable situation with gas or electricity, for example?

Is water not even more precious?

And what other major city would allow this?


Engineers Ireland has been quoted calling for this pumping of water from the Shannon to stop water shortages in Dublin. I am a chartered engineer of Engineers Ireland and know the skills of its members but instead of concentrating on bringing in yet more water to leak away, the first level of concentration should be on a comprehensive overhaul of the current Dublin water system, including improving both the pipes and the output of processed water from sources of unprocessed water already available.

These droughts may continue for all of us– the concentration should be on using what we have to best advantage, not just moving water from one dry place to another. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.