President Higgins’s intentions

Sir, – There have been thinly veiled intimations made to the effect that Michael D Higgins is playing a clever and cynical game by delaying an announcement of his re-election intentions.

This, it is outrageously suggested, is in order to wrong-foot any possible political opponents.

How is it possible for anyone to imagine that our esteemed President, regarded around the world as a beacon of equal opportunity, fair play, the left wing, level playing fields and the protection of the weak from those in exalted positions, would stoop to such Machiavellian subterfuge?

Such people should bury their heads in shame and all such thoughts should perish in the frontal lobes of their overly suspicious brains. – Yours, etc,




Co Westmeath.

Sir, – Speculation as to who will run, letters to the newspaper, bookies taking bets, debate on radio and publication of a poll of people’s views on the event are more suggestive of a sports fixture than the election of a President.

All this speculation is vulgar and is demeaning the office of President.

It is not a horse race. Please stop. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.

Sir, – Those who object to President Michael D Higgins changing his mind would do well to ponder the words of Cardinal Newman, “To change is to grow and to be perfect is to have changed often”. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.