Public health and restrictions

A chara, – On March 26th an opinion piece in The Irish Times told us that Covid was surging and that: "We can't do nothing, we need to respond."

A few days later, on March 30th, an editorial contained the following passage: " . . . pressure is building for the reimposition of some public health restrictions. The most persuasive call has come from the Emergency Department Taskforce, a body that includes HSE and trade union representatives, which has appealed for measures that would better protect health and social care provision during the current surge."

Surely there is merit in The Irish Times revisiting these recent calls for the reimposition of public health measures.

Perhaps the individuals and groups involved could be contacted for some quotes because, here we are, a mere three weeks later, and all the key indicators are trending downward in a steep manner.


No public health measures at all were introduced (to the credit of our Government) and it would be instructive to know how this came to pass. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 14.