Three cheers for Branagh’s Belfast

Sir, – It is good to see my countrymen giving such publicity for Branagh's film (Letters, February 7th) but sad that they think it bodes ill for the perceptions of Belfast around the world. I made contact with nearly 40 friends spread across the continents and they are united in their warm support for his depiction. Some were children here in 1969 while others passed through here over the years. Right from the opening sequence, Branagh immersed viewers in the city, its people, its traumatic times yet with family life at the core. Our coping mechanism of humour was captured brilliantly and some welcome imagination when it came to funerals, wakes or celebrations. It must be remembered that this is the faithful story of one person's rite of passage. For me and most others, with memories of that time, it works just as much for each one of us. Three cheers for Ken. – Yours, etc,

