Time to fund National Maternity Strategy

Sir, – We refer to the news that "Funding has been halted for new elements of the National Maternity Strategy" (News, April 1st).

The Midwives Association of Ireland wishes to express deep disappointment at this news.

The 10-year National Maternity Strategy was launched in 2016.

An office was set up in 2017 to oversee and guide its implementation. The strategy was to cost €50 million over a 10-year period.


This is the first maternity strategy in the history of the State and was launched against a backdrop of almost 20 years of tragic stories in our inadequate and patchy maternity services.

The recession in 2008 resulted in a reduction of the already, woefully inadequate funding and has left deep rifts yet to be sealed in our services.

It is not surprising that tragic stories in the related gynaecology services are also emerging and they too need substantial funding, such as cervical screening, rape crisis services, sexual assault trauma services, cancer services and the new termination of pregnancy service.

Irish maternity services have some way to go in order to reach an adequate standard, although some good work has been achieved.

Choice, control and continuity of carer are key elements in the provision of safe maternity services and are also key elements of the strategy.

Despite the very best efforts by staff at frontline services, we are nowhere near achieving those elements yet.

We consider the move to cut funding to be unwise, regressive and unsafe at this time and we appeal for funding for implementation of this strategy to be released and prioritised. – Yours, etc,




Public Relations Officer,

Midwives Association

of Ireland,


Co Dublin.