Trams and cyclists

Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Sir, – The head of Transdev's opinion that cyclists' concerns over their safety are unique would seem to fly in the face of the experience in other cities ("Cyclists' concerns about trams 'unique' to Ireland", December 8th).

Edinburgh council is facing a flood of legal actions , while a local orthopaedic surgeon has reported the creation of a new stream of work as a result of cyclists falling on tram tracks. Injuries include fractures to limbs, facial bones and teeth. There have also been nearly 500 cyclists injured in Sheffield in the last two years as a result of falls on tram tracks.

Sadly in the UK, there have been a number of deaths as a result of cycle wheels getting trapped or slipping on these rails . – Yours, etc,




Co Waterford.

Sir, – The head of Transdev claims that Ireland is the only place where cyclists consider tramlines unsafe.

He must be unaware of our near-neighbour’s experience in Edinburgh, where similar concerns were ignored and rebuffed.

Among the multiple accounts of accidents and injuries, in June this year a young woman was killed when her wheel got stuck in the tracks and she fell in front of a minibus that was travelling too closely behind.

What will it take for Transdev to heed the warnings? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.