‘Virtual or webcam Mass’

Sir, – In his Thinking Anew column(April 25th), Michael Commane tells us that he agrees with a fellow priest who believes the "virtual or webcam Mass does not make sense " and that we "should explore other forms of webcam worship".

For all the faithful who are missing their regular services in this crisis, and most importantly all the sick who are confined to bed and who find comfort and healing in the familiar prayers and readings on webcam and TV broadcasts, this service makes a lot of sense. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – As a substitute for Mass in my parish church when no priest is available, I find the webcam Mass much more spiritually satisfying than the prescribed Service of the Word.

However, I do agree that Mass in a parish congregation is best and should remain the norm.

For what it’s worth, when I watch a webcam Mass, I very definitely experience the holy and to a high degree. I don’t often find myself a spectator; rather, I am usually very engaged in the liturgy. An unexpected bonus has been the variety of priests in different parts of the country with insights and perspectives on the readings of the day that are new to me, frequently thought-provoking and challenging.

The digital revolution has radically expanded the ways in which people can interact and communicate. The church should eagerly embrace these new opportunities for engaging with people and involving them in its life. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.