Who cares for the carers?

Sir, – I read Rosita Boland's article "Elderly mother with dementia left as daughter's carer" (June 30th) with a breaking heart. It's such an indictment of the type of society we have become. Carers don't have a union. They can't go on strike.

I’ve recently heard our new Taoiseach and his Cabinet colleagues talking about tax cuts. I have a proposal for Leo Varadkar. When all of those who need residential care are provided with it, then you can discuss tax cuts. – Yours, etc,


Ranelagh, Dublin 6.


Sir, – Where has our humanity gone to? Are we no longer a nation that cares? I’m sure the Kinsellas’ story is but one of so many that we never get to hear about. Thirteen years on a waiting list for a residential care placement is nothing short of inhumane and appalling. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.