Many State files are never released to publicRestricted files: The Government files chosen for release to the public every year are just a percentage of the State's total…Fri Jan 02 2004 - 00:00
De Valera worried over financial mattersPresidency: Éamon de Valera was developing a depression over financial worries when he was President, the State papers have …Fri Jan 02 2004 - 00:00
Two die after road accidentsTwo people died in Cork on Monday night after being injured in road accidents which occurred in recent days.Wed Dec 31 2003 - 00:00
Carlow girl (12) injured in face by gun pelletGardaí are investigating an incident in which a 12-year-old Carlow girl was injured by a pellet gun on Sunday night.Tue Dec 30 2003 - 00:00
Peace and reconciliation projects to get €1mGrant aid of almost €1 million has been allocated to 48 groups involved in peace initiatives and cross-Border projectsTue Dec 30 2003 - 00:00
EU directives require changes to legislationChanges will have to be made to Irish legislation to comply with new EU directives, a legal expert said yesterdayTue Dec 16 2003 - 00:00
Bishops call for new EU laws on migrantsThe Irish Bishops Conference has urged the Government to use the EU presidency to enshrine the rights of asylum-seekers and migrants…Mon Dec 15 2003 - 00:00
Ombudsman needed for homeless, says Depaul TrustA new homeless charity has called for the establishment of an ombudsman for homeless people, or a junior ministry with responsibility…Tue Dec 09 2003 - 00:00
Over 1,500 to sue State over taxi deregulationAt least 1,500 taxi drivers or their families are now set to take legal action against the State over the hardship caused by …Sat Dec 06 2003 - 00:00
Changes to rent supplement scheme criticisedMore than 1,000 lone parent families will be made homeless if the Government goes ahead with changes to the rent supplement scheme…Thu Dec 04 2003 - 00:00
Disk to be used for Leaving courseHundreds of documents dating from between the 16th and mid-20th centuries and referring to every county in Ireland will be available…Wed Dec 03 2003 - 00:00
Criminologist criticises practices within GardaCriminologist Dr Paul O'Mahony strongly criticised the Garda Síochána at yesterday's sitting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee…Tue Dec 02 2003 - 00:00
'Knee-jerk' legal reform opposed by Law SocietyThe Law Society has supported the contention by the Minister for Justice that the legal system is not in crisis because of witness…Tue Dec 02 2003 - 00:00
Train drivers to vote on one-day strikes proposalTrain drivers will begin voting today over a series of planned one-day strikes which could bring commuter and inter-city services…Mon Dec 01 2003 - 00:00
Gardai to enforce new breath test powers todayNew laws giving gardaí more powers to breath test drivers come into effect this morning.Mon Dec 01 2003 - 00:00
800,000 to get welfare bonusesMore than 800,000 people will receive social welfare Christmas bonuses worth €115.6 million this week.Mon Dec 01 2003 - 00:00
Hume taking part in Middle East peace initiativeFormer SDLP leader Mr John Hume is one of three Nobel Peace Prize Laureates taking part in a new Middle East peace initiative…Mon Dec 01 2003 - 00:00
Irish soldier killed in Liberia to get full military burialAn Irish soldier killed in a road accident in Liberia last week will receive a full military burial tomorrow morningMon Dec 01 2003 - 00:00
Tortuous count leads to two DUP gainsDown North: Candidates in the North Down constituency endured a slow and tortuous count, with the first candidate only elected…Sat Nov 29 2003 - 00:00
Jubilant Ms Robinson claims constituency for the DUPStrangford: "This is a DUP constituency now, and let no one be in any doubt," declared a jubilant Ms Iris Robinson last night…Fri Nov 28 2003 - 00:00
Coombe Caesarean birth rate rises to 18.9%The Coombe Women's Hospital recorded a small but continued rise in its rate of Caesarean sections last year, with the surgical…Thu Nov 27 2003 - 00:00
No area to be left without Garda presence-MinisterThe Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, yesterday moved to assure the public that no area would be left bereft of a Garda presence…Wed Nov 26 2003 - 00:00
Smith refuses to say if he will take part in Hanly protestThe Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, has refused to say if he will take part in Saturday's march in Nenagh against the downgrading…Wed Nov 26 2003 - 00:00
State among lowest in Europe on life expectancyIreland has one of the worst rates of healthy life expectancy in developed countries and older Irish women have a greater incidence…Tue Nov 25 2003 - 00:00
Work begins on Spire lights todayA team of electrical engineers from Britain will begin work this morning to repair the lighting structure on the Spire monument…Tue Nov 25 2003 - 00:00
Construction workers' pensions protestOver one hundred construction workers protested outside the Department of Justice yesterday over the failure of some building…Tue Nov 25 2003 - 00:00
INO angry at official's treatment in EnnisOpposition to the Hanly Report on medical staffing grew yesterday, with the Irish Nurses' Organisation (INO) expressing anger…Fri Nov 14 2003 - 00:00
Survey finds significant variations in pricesA survey of prices in the Republic has found major variations in the prices charged for items such as CDs, alcohol, petrol and…Fri Nov 14 2003 - 00:00
Garda tells of trying to revive CarthyThe garda who gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to John Carthy after he had been fatally wounded at Abbeylara told the Barr tribunal…Wed Nov 12 2003 - 00:00
Sentencing closes horrific chapter for local peopleThe sentencing of Gregory Fox for the murder of his wife and two children was seen yesterday as the end of a horrific chapter…Tue Nov 11 2003 - 00:00
Tourism numbers show increaseThere was an increase of 5 per cent in the number of worldwide tourists visiting Ireland in the first half of this year, Tourism…Tue Nov 11 2003 - 00:00
Homeless and drug agencies left in darkAgencies working with homeless people have called on the Department of Health to clarify how the smoking ban will affect hostels…Sat Nov 08 2003 - 00:00
INO warns of detrimental effect of a flu outbreak on hospitalsA flu outbreak would stretch hospital services "beyond breaking point", the Irish Nurses' Organisation (INO) warned yesterday…Sat Nov 08 2003 - 00:00
Legality of smoking ban could still be challengedThe Irish Hospitality Industry Alliance has insisted the amended smoking ban will not stand up to a legal challenge because of…Sat Nov 08 2003 - 00:00
Taxi-drivers invited to apply for hardship payments schemeTaxi licence-holders who suffered hardship after deregulation have now been invited to apply for funding under the Government…Fri Nov 07 2003 - 00:00
Most flu victims young adults and childrenThe largest number of positive flu cases this season have been detected in children and young adults, according to the latest…Fri Nov 07 2003 - 00:00
Schools urged to be inclusive of pupils with disabilitiesSchools have been encouraged to make better efforts to accommodate and include pupils with disabilities in all activities.Fri Nov 07 2003 - 00:00
'Inequality' in child palsy cases criticised by unionThe Department of Health has created a two-tier system for children with cerebral palsy, the Medical Defence Union (MDU)claimed…Fri Nov 07 2003 - 00:00
No record made of Carthy shootingNone of the Emergency Response Unit officers at the siege in Abbeylara made a note of the events after Mr John Carthy had been…Thu Nov 06 2003 - 00:00
Planning terms at bog slide site questionedDerrybrien residents have called for an investigation into the terms of the planning permission given to Hibernian Wind Power…Tue Nov 04 2003 - 00:00
Racism complaints outnumber sex discrimination cases for first timeRacism has overtaken gender discrimination for the first time in cases taken under the Employment Equality Act, it emerged yesterday…Tue Nov 04 2003 - 00:00
Bank still waits for #320m in hoarded puntsIrish people have been slower than others to let go of the old currencyTue Nov 04 2003 - 00:00
Gun a 'souvenir' says wife of doctor involved in airport security alertA family souvenir of sentimental value unwittingly resulted in an international incident yesterday, the family of the man at …Tue Nov 04 2003 - 00:00
Landslide may affect drinking water and kill up to 100,000 fishIt could take up to 10 years for an important angling river to recover from the bogslide at Derrybrien, south Galway, the Shannon…Sat Nov 01 2003 - 00:00
Derrybrien lives in fear of unknown from mountainIt sounds like the plot of a Hallowe'en thrillerSat Nov 01 2003 - 00:00
Fireworks frightening the elderlyVolunteers working on the Senior Helpline say they have been inundated with calls from older people terrified by constant fireworks…Fri Oct 31 2003 - 00:00
Galway landslide picks up speed in downpourThe rain beat down incessantly on Derrybrien, south Galway, yesterday, speeding up a moving mass of mud and debris that began…Fri Oct 31 2003 - 00:00
Removal of tax break would kill film industry, says producerThe film industry has reacted with dismay to the recommendation in the draft ESRI report that public funding for the industry…Thu Oct 30 2003 - 00:00
Many State offices not wheelchair accessibleOne in two Department offices and Garda stations were not wheelchair accessible, according to the Office of Public Works.Thu Oct 30 2003 - 00:00
Magazine salutes Special Olympics organiserMs Mary Davis, chief executive of the Special Olympics World Summer Games, has won this year's Irish Tatler Woman of the Year…Thu Oct 30 2003 - 00:00