Irish in Britain: What are people saying about the Brexit talks?

Are there differing opinions about the Irish stance? Let us know

With the unravelling of an agreed form of wording on the Irish Border the deadline for phase one of the Brexit talks is looming ever closer. Cliff Taylor reports

Following the collapse of a proposed deal on the Irish Border, which would have allowed the Brexit talks to advance to the next stage, we would like to hear from Irish people living in the UK about their experiences and views of the Brexit issue, especially in light of developments this week. Are the Brexit talks being discussed in your community or in your workplace? If so, what are people saying? Is there a difference of opinion on the Irish Government’s stance? Do you think the "special relationship" between Ireland and Britain is in jeopardy, or worry about your rights as an Irish citizen living in Britain?

To contribute, fill in the form below. A selection of responses may be used as part of our reporting on

Thank you.