The Hiqa report said COPE foundation Cork had failed to demonstrate that residents with communicable infections were subject to universal separation and precautions.

Hiqa inspectors found COPE centre had poor hygiene standards with dirt, stains, cobwebs

Moya Brennan pictured with six U2 album covers that are part of the new vinyl walkway  on Windmill Lane in Dublin. Photograph: Laura Hutton/The Irish Times

Former recording studio was venue for artists such as U2, Van Morrison and Kate Bush

Students in Ireland have less access to digital resources than those in other OECD countries, a new report says.

Only 4.4 per cent of people report using online education over past three months

Protestors gather in support of Independent midwife Philomena Canning outside the Dáil on Tuesday. Photograph: Tom Honan

Philomena Canning suing over suspension of indemnity insurance in 2014

Declaration signed by 150 people includes Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid veterans

The scene near the Nine Stones scenic area in Borris, Co Carlow where a car crashed in the early hours of Sunday morning. Photograph: Alan Betson

Third-year pupil Eamon Kavanagh is son of couple in high-profile animal cruelty case

Google’s chief privacy officer Keith Enright addresses the IIEA in Dublin on Thursday. Photograph: Lorcan Mullally/IIEA

Chief privacy officer says multinational disagrees with French authority after €50m fine

The Growing Up in Ireland study examines the lives of children who were three years old in the middle of the recession from the late 2000s. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

New ESRI report shows one in seven families went into arrears on utility bills in the period

Hiqa published 21 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities on Wednesday

Centre gave assurances to Hiqa on new admissions after peer-to-peer incidents occurred

The committee heard from legal experts and children’s rights advocates. File photograph: Getty Images

Oireachtas Justice group hears submissions from experts on reform of family law system

 Professor Sonia Livingstone has examined how children’s digital lives ’raise pressing questions about their capacity to act, and about the responsibilities of others, in ways that fulfil rather than undermine their rights’

Sonia Livingstone says young people’s digital lives raise questions about rights, responsibilities

Dr Martin Ruttledge launching the Migraine Quick Reference Guide, which he co-authored. Photograph:   Nick Bradshaw

ICGP launches new reference guide on the debilitating headache disorder

‘Government transfers, in addition to aiding struggling households, also enable poor work practices to continue.’ Photograph: iStock

Tasc report says ‘disproportionate’ share of national income goes to richer groups

Watchdog publishes 25 reports on centres for people with disabilities

In March 2017, the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation confirmed the discovery “significant quantities” of human remains in disused septic tanks in Tuam.   Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Minister for Children asks special rapporteur to come back within eight weeks

Nurses and midwives march from Parnell Square to Merrion Square during a Dublin protest on Saturday. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

INMO says Labour Court discussions are at exploratory stage

People attend a rally in support of striking nurses in Dublin city centre on Saturday. Photograph: Alan Betson

Psychiatric Nurses Association and INMO attending talks on Saturday in bid to avert further strikes

The Mosney direct provision centre in Co Meath. File photograph: Cyril Byrne

Homeless charity tried to deliver items to asylum seekers living at Mosney, Co Meath

  Elm Mount Unit at St Vincent’s University Hospital had two areas of non-compliance rated as critical risk, relating to individual care plans and to the code of practice on physical restraint. File photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Mental health inspector says ‘critical risks’ found at St Vincent’s and Connolly hospitals

Dr Paul Vixie, CEO of Farsight Security: “We are barely evolved monkeys, and everyone who has descended from monkeys is likely to be fascinated by a shiny object. But this thing where we are willing to trade off safety for convenience did not used to be true”

The tech veteran’s security firm uses a vast database DNS records to stop cyber-crime

Chief commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Emily Logan (centre) with commissioners Heydi Foster Breslin (left) and Salome Mbugua(right) Photograph: Maxwell Photography

IHREC concerns include workplace discrimination and housing assistance payments

Another audit found overspending against budget for travel and subsistence payments in the National Ambulance Service. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

Internal audits find vehicle and equipment leasing and rental was not ‘value for money’

Celebrating World Hijab Day in Dublin are (from left) Rana Alamri; Manal Elrufaie; Maria Syed; Lorraine O’Connor; Stephanie Reid; Yasmina Isaacs; Durdana Jawad; Ashrat Meh Mood; Sarah Babiker, Sanaa Kashif and Maha Alsalem. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Muslim Sisters of Éire celebrate World Hijab Day which is celebrated on February 1st

Antonio Avenoso, executive director, European Transport Safety Council (left) with Moyagh Murdock, Minister for Transport Shane Ross and Prof Desmond O’Neill, National Office for Traffic Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Photograph: Robbie Reynolds

Employers warned of a duty of care to employees and should acquire safest vehicles

A Google spokesewoman said: “We have strict policies that prohibit advertisers on our platforms from targeting individuals on the basis of sensitive categories such as race, sexual orientation, health conditions, pregnancy status, etc.” Photograph: iStock

Google and IAB accused of auctioning ads based on highly sensitive personal data

A resident had engaged in a prolonged incident of self injurious behaviour on October 6th resulting in significant bruising to their body and injury to the temple area of their head, the Hiqa report said.

Hiqa inspected Sunbeam House service where eight adults with disabilities were living

Dr Jules Polonetsky delivers his lecture ‘Navigating Privacy in a Data Centric World’ at Trinity College Dublin. Photograph:Tom Honan/The Irish Times

Dr Jules Polonetsky delivers TCD talk on social and ethical dilemmas of new technologies

An investigation was opened into the transfer of the DNA samples in 2016 from Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin to the company Genomics Medicine Ireland. Image: Getty Images

Genomics Medicine Ireland says it cannot identify participants in children’s hospital study

Jacinta Dixon, an advocate for people with dementia, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2017 Photograph: Laura Hutton/The Irish Times

Alzheimer’s society report finds those with condition have few social connections

Personal data: official documents from the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the organisation that makes the rules for online ad auctions, reveal categories for targeting internet users include one titled “IAB7-28 Incest/Abuse Support”

Ad auction companies can be enabled to target and profile a person as an incest or abuse victim

The OECD published figures  which show public social spending-to-GDP ratios are now highest in France at just over 30 per cent of GDP

OECD report says spending accounts for less than 15% of GDP compared to 30% in France

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar: Mary Lou  McDonald accuses him of indulging in “self-satisfied patter” and of having “normalised child homelessness”. Photograph: Tom Honan

Ombudsman warns of toll on health as Varadkar accused of normalising problem

Noah Halpin pictured in Dublin in 2018 at a protest for access to healthcare for transgender people. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

RTÉ says it hopes viewers will find the programme ‘a fair and responsible examination’ of issue

A culture of Salmonella bacteria on an organic surface. Photograph: iStock

Children under five account for most reported incidence in 414 cases for that year

Temple Street Children’s University Hospital. Photograph: Eric Luke

Temple Street head medical social worker calls spike in presentations ‘shameful’

  Irish Coast Guard search-and-rescue pilots will begin a work-to-rule on Thursday. File photograph: Marc O’Sullivan

Crews working for Irish Coast Guard say service is over-reliant on overtime

An explanatory note on the practice direction said that in view of the “utmost good faith” principle applying to ex-parte applications, applicants had a “general duty to put all relevant material before the court”.

Solicitors wrote to Law Society after changes requiring additional documentation introduced

‘Judges are reluctant to send children back to parents who are homeless,’ report finds

 Joe O’Connor, lead organiser Forsa Trade Union with Maria Dunne, chairwoman, School Secretary Branch and Marion Jackson, treasurer at the launch of a nationwide campaign calling for respect and fair conditions for all school secretaries. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Fórsa launches Save Our Secretaries campaign to end two-tier system in schools

In some cases social workers failed to notify gardaí of suspected abuse of children. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Hiqa says figures suggest ‘under-reporting’ of allegations of abuse to An Garda Síochána

Leona O’Callaghan will say that her abuse “broke me in ways I will never heal from”.

Limerick woman calls for change to concurrent sentencing for repeat sex offenders

Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan launching the passport card in 2015. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

State has secured a derogation from proposed new EU security regulation

The Law Society is to hold an urgent meeting with solicitors angry about new High Court rules.  File photograph: Eric Luke

Solicitors express concerns over High Court direction on asylum and citizenship cases

Several barristers voiced their concern to Judge Richard Humphreys when he heard the asylum list in the High Court on Monday. File photograph: Getty Images

Solicitors indicate ‘grave concern’ about their capacity to comply with new measure

Hiqa had concerns about five Brothers of Charity facilities. File photograph: Regis Duvignau/Reuters

Watchdog may be forced to cancel registration of facility operated by Brothers of Charity

The Government has denied the Public Services Card is a national identity card

Irish Council for Civil Liberties calls for publication of information in public interest

Minister for Children Katherine Zappone said she appreciated ‘the clear information provided which demonstrates the work being done to guide Tusla in implementing Hiqa’s recommendations’.  Photograph Nick Bradshaw

Expert group looks at agency’s steps to deal with handling of child abuse cases

A screengrab from the Gaming for Peace simulation training software developed with the aid of a €2m grant from the EU’s Horizon 2020 project.

Researchers at TCD led ‘Gaming for Peace’ project which aims to teach co-operation skills

Children at a residential support centre for teenagers told social care inspectors they did not always feel safe due to the behaviour of other children living there, an inspection report said.

Behaviour of other teens had negative impact, inspectors said of Co Kildare youth facility

In total, 55,652 fathers have availed of paternity benefit since the programme’s inception in September 2016. Photograph: iStock

In 2018, 24,080 men applied for benefit, paid at €240 per week for two weeks’ leave

A “juvenile rodent” had been seen in the dining area and main kitchen at  Casement Aerodrome  earlier in the month. File photograph: Eric Isselée

Cooked chicken found in cardboard boxes previously used for raw chicken in Co Meath outlet

A spokeswoman for Bus Éireann said the majority of the company’s city buses had special protective screens that form part of the driver cab. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

NBRU calls for safety screens and scheme to ensure continuation of normal pay

Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney: reminded people to be vigilant in relation to their personal safety whilst travelling overseas. Photograph: Donall Farmer/The Irish Times

Consular services given for arrest, death, child abduction, natural disasters and terrorism

Schools throughout the State will be invited to take part in the consultation on children’s data protection rights. Photograph: iStockphoto

Data Protection Commission to consult a range of stakeholders on codes of conduct

Climate activists ‘will consider legal action’ if plans are not changed to ensure greater energy efficiency

A statutory investigation into Twitter’s compliance with EU data protection law has been opened Photograph:iStock

Statutory investigation by Data Protection Commission comes after a number of breaches

Minister for Health Simon Harris opened a training day for more than 60 GPs who have committed to providing the service over the weekend. Photograph: Aidan Crawley.

Training for GPs and gynaecologists ahead of introduction of services in January

The Government has opened a three-month public consultation on what it says would be the most significant reform of the electoral registration process in 100 years: Dave Meehan/The Irish Times.

Options for more accurate data on voters include use of PPS number

Purpose of the regulations is to ‘support health research and promote enhanced public confidence in such research’.

Researchers will be able to apply in exceptional circumstances to use personal data without consent

Dr Peter Boylan said a 24-hour, seven-day helpline would be operational on January 1st. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

HSE’s clinical adviser says ‘plenty’ of GPs available to provide services to those up to 12 weeks pregnant

Marc Rotenberg, president of the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC)

US activist says Government must act to safeguard fundamental rights in digital space

The Data Protection Commission has issued guidance on the use of dash cams.

Data Protection Commission has issued guidelines on dash cameras for motorists

A paper published by the ESRI found that those living closer to the coast had a lower risk of depression than people who lived farther away. Photograph: iStock

ESRI study examines separate effects of proximity to coast and sea views with mental health impact

The Data Protection Commission says motorists using dash cams have responsibilities as data controllers. Photograph: iStockPhoto

Data regulator says publishing footage on social media platforms risked infringing privacy rights

Evidence of rodents gnawing at bread packaging was uncovered at a Tesco store in Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim. Photograph: Getty Images

Supermarket one of 13 businesses served with closure orders in November by FSAI

Over three million photographs are held in the department’s facial matching database for the public services card

Department of Social Protection allegedly interfered with role of its data protection officer

Extra Government funding of €655m  will be needed this year to deal with over-spending by the Health Service Executive – 4%  of overall health expenditure for 2018

Health committee told €85m more will be required to supplement hospitals due to ‘significant reduction’ in private patient income

It has been ruled that public bodies such as the Workplace Relations Commission must have the jurisdiction not to apply a rule of Irish national law that is contrary to EU law.

Court of Justice of European Union rules on referral from Supreme Court in equality case

Trade union representatives will meet Aer Lingus management later this week to discuss the airline’s installation of CCTV cameras at Dublin Airport to monitor what it terms ‘unacceptable behaviour’ by some staff. File photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times.

Airline says move at Dublin Airport aims to protect customer and company property

Volunteers leaving Apollo House in January 2017. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons/ The Irish Times

Brendan Ogle says there has been no ideological rethink in order to solve homeless crisis

Hiqa report found  four personnel records reviewed did not contain An Garda Síochána vetting disclosures.

Health standards watchdog publishes 27 inspection reports on nursing homes

Data Protection Commission says it has not called for any ‘pause’ on community CCTV.

DPC says ongoing inquiry is examining operation of schemes in local authority areas

Blackbird (Turdus merula). Photograph: Brian Burke/Birdwatch Ireland

Birdwatch Ireland appeals for information from households for annual bird survey

Hurling: GAA welcomes ‘prestigious’ listing by Unesco

GAA welcomes ‘prestigious’ listing recognising impact on ‘intangible cultural heritage of humanity’

In the field of arts, culture and sport, the winners are the authors William Kennedy and Edna O’Brien. Photograph: Frank Miller

Presidential Distinguished Service Awards to be presented to 10 people by Michael D Higgins

The DPC found the Reception and Integration Agency and Aramark infringed a resident’s data protection rights.

Data Protection Commissioner says State agency and contractor Aramark breached duties

landlords, or their agents, should not seek PPS numbers during the initial phase of the lettings process and should only do so when the lease was being agreed, the DPC said.

Data commission urges procedures for disposing of records once lettings conclude

LinkedIn in the US processed the email addresses of 18 million non-users to target them with ads on Facebook.

Data Protection Commissioner audit says US company acted outside its remit

Nine incidents involved the consensual sharing of images by peers on phones or social media and 20 referrals related to initial consensual sharing of images with one party then forwarding the images to third parties. Photograph: iStock

Report notes need for modernised legislation as current Act passed before emergence of smartphones

M50 traffic. Photograph: Alan Betson

Proposed €75m retail development includes indoor sky-diving arena, cinemas and cafes

Minister  Josepha Madigan with author Sinead Moriarty at the announcement in the National Gallery of Ireland. Photograph: Tony Maxwell/Maxwells

Five bursaries of up to €20,000 will be awarded annually to women artists

The mural in Dublin’s Temple Bar calling for a repeal of the Eighth Amendment. File photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Róisín McGarr raised concerns over authority’s decision to remove pro-repeal mural

UN special rapporteur  recently wrote to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to warn him that the company’s overly broad definition of terrorism could lead to censorship.  Photograph: Reuters/Kacper Pempel

States of emergency are ‘synonymous with human rights violations’ says Prof Fionnuala Ní Aoláin

A spokesman for the Data Protection Commission said its position had not changed. Photograph: iStock

Mobile network providers say they have provided no data to Government statistics agency

Aer Arann was established in 1970. Photograph: Aer Arann

Senator Pádraig Ó Céidigh had said Aer Arann Islands services would no longer run

The President, Michael D  Higgins meets   the newest member of the Humanist Association of Ireland, Zoe, and her mother, Selina Campbell,  at the association’s 25th anniversary  celebrations. Photograph:  Maxwell’s

Organisation marks 25th anniversary ‘striving for a more equal Ireland’

Aoife Murphy and Leo Varadkar in the Taoiseach’s office in Government Buildings. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Aoife Murphy won Unicef competition for campaign to lower voting age to 16

A hospital in Tullamore has been hit by a ransomware attack.

Dublin Midlands Hospital Group working with HSE after ‘isolated’ incident

Among 20 recommendations, the committee also suggests the Government should undertake research into the potential links between obesity, mental health, and the portrayal of body image on social media and in traditional media. File photograph: Getty Images

Oireachtas committee says home economics should be compulsory at Junior Cycle

Health Information and Quality Authority report on  Gleann Alainn said “inspectors found that An Garda Síochána had been called by members of the staff team to manage children’s behaviour which resulted in children being pepper sprayed and or handcuffed”. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

Hiqa inspectors found inadequate governance by child and family agency Tusla

The Civil Liability Act gives legal protection in respect of information provided or any apology given during an open disclosure meeting with a patient or their family. File photograph: Getty Images

Report highlights advances in complaints system but signals room for improvement

The Central Bank said its rules about desk-sharing are similar to those in other modern organisations. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

Unite says bank has reneged on pledge that all staff would have desks in North Wall HQ

New Zealand’s minister for  foreign affairs  Winston Peters. Photograph: Tom Honan/The Irish Times.

NZ deputy prime minister says democracy ‘under attack’ in way not seen for generations

A traditional Maori  blessing was held to mark the opening of the New Zealand embassy in Dublin. Photograph: Tom Honan/The Irish Times.

Traditional Maori blessing for opening of NZ office in Dublin

Irish Heart Foundation chief executive Tim Collins, parent advocate Siobhan Donohue and keynote speaker Dan Parker at the charity’s launch event on Wednesday. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Irish Heart Foundation campaign calls on industry to stop targeting children with unhealthy products

Can AI help us to achieve our dreams of a better work-life balance?

ADAPT Centre at Trinity College Dublin hosting public ‘think-in’ for Science Week

The 1916 centenary commemorative medals which were presented to members of the Defence Forces by President Michael D Higgins, in December 2017. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times

Government department seeks tenders for medals to recognise role played in centenary events

Children feel fear and isolation when  something they do online goes horribly wrong, says chief executive of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, John Church. Photograph: Getty Images

Bruton seeks urgent advice from Attorney General on digital safety commissioner Bill

Rosaleen McDonagh said so-called feminist “waves” had failed to realise the impact of racism and discrimination on some women’s lives. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Playwright Rosaleen McDonagh says some Irish women have been written out of history

Sir David Cannadine told  an event at NovaUCD, that it was  not clear what the future position for Britain regarding the significant funding its academics currently obtain from the European Research Council.Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Head of British Academy speaks of concerns for humanities, social sciences and movement of researchers

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